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"Pops was right

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"Pops was right. You're just a coward." Ernest pushed Carter. "Why won't you just join the army. Like the rest of us!"

"And leave Ellis alone!"

"Don't lie this isn't about Ellis. This is about you. You're a God damn coward!" Ernest pushed Carter back again. He pinned his younger sibling against the wall.

"Get off him." James pulled Ernest off his twin brother and pushed Ernest to the floor. "Touch my brother again, and you'll regret it. Do you understand?" James questioned hovering over Ernest with a clenched fist.

Ernest nodded as Ellis walked in.

"You idiots woke me up." She grumbled. "If you're going to fight. Do it outside. I'm sick and tired of cleaning up your messes."

"It's what you should be doing. You're a woman." Ernest mumbled.

Ellis clenched her jaw and so James rolled his eyes and punched Ernest.

"I mean it Ernie." James dragged him up and pinned him against the wall. "Leave MY siblings alone." James put emphasis on the word 'my.' Carter and Ellis were his life. He didn't care too much about the rest of his siblings.

Ernest tried to push James back, but James was much stronger than Ernest. So he slammed him back again.

"Look at our little brother." Ernest sniggered, looking over to Franklin, Patrick and Reuben. "Trying to be big brother."

"Look at big brother." James seethed. "Trying to be Pops." He paused. "I hope you know, that man hated us all."

"Come on James, let him go. This is getting pathetic now. If you two can not live together then one of you will have to go. This house isn't a fighting ring." Franklin snapped angrily.

James let go off Ernest and went over to his twin and younger sister. "You two okay?" He was not leaving his twin or his younger sister alone with Ernest. If anyone was going it was Ernest.

Ellis nodded, nothing phased her anymore. Carter didn't respond. He just looked at Ernest, who was slowly morphing into their Pops.


Ellis walked into the Blythe house and saw Bash with a piece of string tied to his tooth and the door handle.

Ellis walked in and angrily slammed the door, pulling out his tooth.

"Good morning Bash." She felt a little better now. She had angrily stormed out of her house, since all her brothers had started talking about the army, yet again. She was fed up of hearing about it.

"Nothing like a little peace and quiet." Gilbert sighed as he looked up from his book to the girl.

"You can say that again." Ellis mumbled as Bash picked up his tooth.

"What are you doing here? We don't set off for at least another thirty minutes. And I'm meant to be meeting you at your house." Gilbert looked up to her confused.

"Brothers." She mumbled rolling her eyes. Gilbert chuckled and wrapped his arms around the girl. She visibly relaxed into his arms and hugged him back.


Billy pushed Cole on the ground as he was placing some more wood into the fire.

"You need to be more careful bud." Billy teased.

Ellis rushed over and helped Cole up, offering a hand so that he could lean on it with his better hand to get back to his feet.

"Is it healing alright?" Gilbert asked as he turned to face Cole and Ellis.

"It's getting there, thanks." Cole mumbled as he pulled the clay out of his pocket.

Ellis walked over and sat next to Gilbert.

"Anything I need to remember today Gilbert Blythe?" She smiled as she placed her hand on top of his. Gilbert took a long breath. His eyes not leaving their hands.

"Ellis Bennett." Mr Phillips shouted. "Return to your seat." Ellis saluted and made her way back to her seat.


"The area equals one half times the sum of both bases, multiplied by the height. Simple enough. Begin." Mr Phillips instructed. "The student who finishes last, will wish they had stayed home from school today." He looked between Cole and Ellis.

The school door opened, making everyone turn and look.

"Sebastian!" Gilbert stood up confused.

"Good morning. Pardon me. I need to have a word with Gilbert please." Bash said as he pointed to Gilbert.

"I'd thank you to stay in the cloak room." Mr Phillips stated fearfully.

"Sebastian, what are you doing here? You look terrible." Gilbert said as he walked over to him.

"You're not welcome here." Billy looked over to Bash. "He tried to kill me at the Christmas Pantomine."

"Wish he did." Ellis mumbled as she walked over to Gilbert and Bash.

"Return to your lesson." Mr Phillips ordered.

"You never told me about the Bog. Can I get my own doctor there?" Bash questioned as he looked at the pair.

"Uh, just sit down before you fall down." Gilbert instructed as he helped Bash sit down.

"Oh, oh."

"I didn't think you'd want to go there." Gilbert mumbled as he placed his hand on Bash's head. "You have a fever, Bash."

"No doctors 'round here for me. That's what the man said."

"Unbelievable." Gilbert scoffed. "That...is just...-" Ellis gave Gilbert's hand a light squeeze. "I know a doctor in Charlottetown. I'll take you to him right now."

"I want to go to the bog." Bash said adamantly. 

"Bash, the Bog is just not a place for you. It's sad and unlawful and full of poverty and—"

"People who resemble me." Bash sighed.

"I'm sorry." Gilbert said breaking the silence. "I'll take y-"

"We'll take you." Ellis interrupted. She was not staying in school without Gilbert.

"But first let us bring you to a doctor that I know can help you. No time to waste." Gilbert said as he quickly stood up to grab his coat.

He handed Ellis his scarf making her smile. He gave her his scarf every single time. She didn't have one, nor did she ever intend on buying one. So Gilbert always gave her his.

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