Chapter 7 - Time Travelling

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I woke up a few hours later. Deaton was standing next to me, yet again examining Derek.

“How’s he doing?” Lydia asked from behind me before I had the chance to find my voice.

“His heart rate is alarmingly high.”

My hand had slipped out of Derek’s while I had fallen asleep. I stood back up, pushing the chair away as I did and took his hand again to see if he was still cold. “He’s a lot warmer than he was.”

“I’m going to try something. I want you to hold his arm still.” Deaton said. I nodded in agreement and Lydia walked around to the other side of the table to get a better look. Deaton pulled out a scalpel.

“Whoa… what…”

“It will heal.” He said before I could finish. Deaton dug the sharp end into Derek’s flesh and ran it down along his arm. The wound healed as soon as the blade moved, not even giving Deaton the chance to leave the full cut.

“That looked like it healed really fast.” Lydia said.

“Unusually fast.”

“What does it mean?” She asked.

“I’m not sure.”

“Surely super healing isn’t a bad thing?” I asked, kind of hoping for at least one good statement from Deaton.

He never even replied, which wasn’t a good sign. “Let’s try something else. 11mm syringe, top draw.” He pointed to the cabinet behind Lydia so she could find it as he went over to another bench to grab something else.

I let out a shaky breath, not sure what to make of anything that was going on and trying to calm my heart rate that seemed to increase with every bad news comment Deaton was giving. I was watching Deaton to try and see what he was grabbing when a hand and claws suddenly latched onto my arms and dug into the skin.

“Ow! Derek?” I asked. His eyes were open and glowing blue as he slowly sat up, still clinging to my arm as blood started to trickle down it. He didn’t seem to comprehend what he was doing. His breathing was deep and raged, he didn’t seem to be able to shift back into human form and when he finally let go and stood up, looking between Deaton, Lydia and I his expression said he had no idea who we were.

“Derek?” Lydia and Deaton were saying as I cupped my hand over the wound that was starting to heal, too focussed on Derek to register the pain.

The more the two said his name the more he seemed to become agitated. Deaton puled Lydia back and little behind him, shielding her with his arm as Derek grew more angry… or was it scared? Derek clutched his hands over his ears as if the noise was too much.

“Can you hear me? You’re safe.” Deaton said. As if not comprehending the words Derek lashed out with his claws, scratching Deaton’s arm and knocking him down. Lydia ran to help him as Derek bolted out the door.

Or tried to, but I was standing directly in front of it. He seemed to falter at seeing me there, unsure what to do. I held up my hands in a non-defensive way that he looked curiously at, but he was still in werewolf form and his eye shone a vibrant blue. “Derek.” I whispered his name as he seemed to be sensitive to noise and at the sound of it his eyes briefly went back to their hazel green colour, but then he pushed past, knocking me across the room into the wall and bolting out the door. “Well, teenage Derek is charming.” I muttered as I struggled to me feet and made my way over to Lydia and Deaton. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, go after him. We need to find him and talk to him.” Deaton said.

“But your…”

“Lydia can help me. Find Derek.” Deaton cut me off. I nodded and followed after where Derek had left.

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