Chapter 42 - Peter Hale

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Scott, Liam and Malia were fine. Derek and Braedon had apparently saved them and after Scott had Kira track down Brett, wanting to keep as many people safe as he could. Jordan dropped Stiles off at the hospital as Brunski had hit him over the head pretty hard. The Sheriff was let out of hospital with a sling and was already back in uniform to question Meredith who Lydia and I had decided to stay with. Lydia, obviously because she was a banshee and me, well... I was curious and judging by my last conversation with her if she was going to talk it would probably be about Peter, so I was going to stay close by.

"What did she say?" Lydia asked the Sheriff as we both jumped up from where we sat.

"Hard to tell. There were words, but I'm not sure they were actual sentences. "I think we need a psychologist... or a medium." She sheriff concluded.

"Is she even competent enough to be charged with something?" Lydia asked.

"If Meredith is the Benefactor then that means she was competent enough to trick Kate into opening the Hale vault, competent enough to helping Brunski into helping her and competent enough to create a hit-list and pay out money for its completion. This girl is practically a criminal mastermind.

"There's got to be a reason why she would do this." Lydia stated. I remained quiet, occasionally picking at my fingers. There first time I met Meredith she brought up Selene, who was involved with Peter, the second time she did the same thing and mentioned Peter directly, but only because she believed I wouldn't betray with, which I hadn't, but the curiosity was eating me alive. I looked over to her, making eye contact through the glass before she turned back around.

"I'm only interested in the why if it tells me the how." The Sheriff said back.

"You mean how to stop it."

"After what happened to Scott tonight this thing is still going, the payment could be automatic and as long as the killers are getting paid and getting paid well that list is going to keep getting smaller."

"We don't need to just stop the deadpool..."

"We need to stop the money." The sheriff stated.

The Sheriff went to call his psychologist and Lydia and I took up a seat again in silence. At some point we both drifted off to sleep and were woken by a door slamming shut. "I thought I told you two to go home."

"And I thought we said that we weren't going anywhere." I said back, feeling like it was the first thing I had said in very long time.

"Did they get anything out of her?" Lydia asked, seeing the psychiatrists leaving the stations.

"Should have gone with the medium." He shot back.

Jordan walked around the corner, coming up to us. "We went through everything in Brunski's office and so far everything pretty well amounts to nothing." He looked at Lydia and I, "Have you not gone home yet?" He questioned, noticing we were wearing the same clothes.

"Not until Meredith starts talking." Lydia stated as I leant up against a doorframe, wanting to go back to sleep, but not wanting to leave.

"Look, I'll call you if she says anything, but there's nothing we can do until she does." The Sherriff said.

"You could let us try." I said in a half exhausted whisper. If it were possible to build up immunity to tiredness I would have it down pat by now, but unfortunately it wasn't.

"No, we've already discussed this." Stilinski replied looking pointedly at us both.

"Lydia's gotten through to her before." I stated, not wanting to bring up what Meredith had told me.

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