Chapter 51 - Anna's Lullaby

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I woke to someone gently shaking me awake. It took my eyes a moment to adjust and when they began to focus a saw Derek smirking down at me.


"Everyone has been looking for you. You weren't answering your phone and we couldn't find you."

"Well you found me." I replied croakily, beginning to sit up.

"It's been 24 hours." Derek stated.

"Really? I was asleep. How'd you find me?"

"When we were looking for you we split up. I was with Liam and he mentioned that if he were in your position he'd want to go home." My eyes flicked to the ground.

"It's all the same." I whispered as I looked around my dad's room.

"Yeah... I, ah... I was waiting to tell you, thought you might need some time before coming back here." I gave him a questioning look. "I bought the house... up front, there's no mortgage and as soon as you turn 18 it's yours." I opened my mouth to say something, but Derek cut me off by holding up his hand. "The Sheriff and Melissa know, they had to sign a few things as your guardians. We were going to wait until you started senior year before we mentioned it." I really had no idea what to say and instead of speaking I found myself hugging him. Derek hugged back for a moment before speaking again. "Come on, Liam's downstairs."

Derek led me downstairs where Liam stood in the living room looking at a few photos that were hanging on the walls. "I haven't seen Lydia, is she alright?" I asked.

"Yeah. A berserker had her and Mason cornered at the school, but the sheriff blew it up with a landmine." Derek explained and I couldn't stop myself from smiling a little. So the sheriff wouldn't take an RPG into the school, but he would take a landmine. "I have to go. There's a few things I have to tidy up at Peter's apartment. I'll ring Scott on the way and tell him we found you." Derek said as he grabbed out his phone and began to head for the door. I followed behind him, giving him another hug as he kissed my forehead and then left. I closed the door behind him and turned back to face Liam.

"How are you feeling?" He as me as I walked into the kitchen to find some tea bags that I prayed would still be here, and thankfully were.

"I'll be fine." I said, but not all reassuringly. I really couldn't decide how to feel. I felt betrayed, but everyone had warned me so I wasn't sure if I was allowed to let that betrayal affect me. Liam agreed to a cup of tea and we sat sipping it in silence for a little while until I eventually spoke up. "I'm sorry." Liam looked up at me from his cup, but didn't say anything so I continued. "I know we told you about the Nix and the bond, but you weren't around when I lost it last time. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I would never..."

"I know." Liam nodded, cutting me off before I got into some big rant. "I didn't quite understand it until I saw it for myself, but you don't need to apologise. Scott explained in more depth on drive back. Are you going to fix the bond?"

I nodded, placing my cup down on the bench. "Yeah, I think so. I'll talk to Scott, but we'll probably go and see Deaton tomorrow."


"Yeah... I could use a bit of my own headspace for a little bit longer." Liam looked at me worriedly and I managed a small smile. "It won't just happed right away." I said as I lightly shook my head. "I'll be fine until tomorrow so long as nothing... sets it off." I struggled to find the right words, but Liam nodded again.

"Could I come?" He suddenly asked. "When you see Deaton. I'm curious how this whole bond thing happens."

I laughed, "Sure. So am I, actually. I never saw it last time; I was unconscious. I'll pick you up, alright?"

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