Just a few questions

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If you're an emotional person and you don't feel like crying, don't listen to this song. But I really love it. 

Hold On - Chord Overstreet

This is basically just a few questions while waiting for me to update  for anyone who's bored

1-  Would you rather lose the ability to read or the ability to speak?

Me: Honestly, to me they're both super important, so I have no idea.

2- Would you rather have whatever you're thinking appear above your head for everyone to see, or have absolutely everything you do live streamed for anyone to see?

Me: ok thats kinda hard. Maybe having everything I think be above my head, cause yes, people might find out what I really think about them, but honestly, I don't necessarily hate anyone, so maybe that won't be so bad. And I'm not really the type to hide my feelings anyways, so if I don't like someone I make it pretty clear that I don't like thm. So I guess that part isn't a problem. But on the other hand, that would be really unfortunate, cause I'd always have to watch out and make sure I don't think anything that would be too... anything!

3- Would you rather live till you're 200 but look like you're 200 the whole time, or live till 65 but look like you're 25 the whole time.

Me: I think this one's a no brainer, honestly what's the point of living for 200 years and watching everyone I care about die, while looking like a crusty musty gramma the whole time, when I could just look amazing and die young? Honestly I'm not afraid of death, so it wouldn't really bother me to have a short life, as long as I make the most of it.

4- Would you rather have thirty butterflies instantly appear from nowhere every time you sneeze, or have an angry squirrel appear out of thin air every time you cough.

Me: I hate bugs. All of them. And yes, even butterflies. So I'd take the angry squirrel any day.

5- Would you rather never be able to use a touchscreen or never be able to use a keyboard and mouse?

Me: Tbh, I find keyboards and mouses pretty overrated, and touchscreens are just easier for me, so I'd ditch the keyboard. Keep the touchscreen.

6- Would you rather give up breathing for a month or give up the internet for a month.

Me: Okay, if you know me, you probably think I'm gonna go with keeping the internet, but without breathing I'd literally DIE. So I guess for once, I'm choosing something over the internet.

And last but not least...

7- Would you rather have the ability to type/text super fast or read super fast?

Me: I already type and text pretty fast, and honestly it's not that awesome cause typing fast does nothing if you're like, actually stuck on something. Plus, if I could read faster, I might be better at actually doing well in book reports, cause the books my teachers assign are always SO boring, and if I could read faster that literally be great.

Ok so I'm bored now... bye

~Maya B.💋

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