Chapter 26

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Bec’s P.O.V

I woke up this morning with a message on my phone from Harry saying that he was coming home today. I jumped out of bed. I knew it had only been about a week since I saw him last but it was the longest week of my life. I got in the shower and got dressed. I was sitting at the kitchen bench eating breakfast when the door flew open.

“Harry” I screamed and ran over to him. He wrapped his arms around me avoiding the baby bump.

“I missed you so much” I heard him mumble in my neck.

“Not as much as I missed you” I looked up at him and smiled letting a tear slip out. I crashed my lips against his. It was good to have him back. We went over to the couch and talked about what we did for the past week.

“So what did you get from your mother” I smiled looking at the bag he placed on the table.

“Just a few bits and pieces nothing special” He smiled.

“Cool, how’s Amber going” Turned on the TV.


“Oh by the way were going to throw down at someplace a massive engagement party and baby shower for all of us” I smiled. That was one thing I couldn’t wait for.

“Cool, I’ll have to let mum and Gem know then” Harry smiled.

“Can I invite my mum over” I looked up at Harry.

“Yes” He smiled giving me a quick kiss.

Louis’s P.O.V

I woke up the next morning with a massive headache. I rolled over to see Amber fast asleep. She looked really cute when she slept. I decided to go and get the twins up and fed. I put them on their play mat in the lounge room. I knew Amber would want a tea when she woke up.

“Babe” I heard a groan coming from the doorway.

“Yeah” I turned around and saw Amber standing there.

“I hate you” She rubbed her temples pulling out some panadol.

“I love you too” I laughed. I must’ve kept her up last night.

“When do we get to home” She looked at me.

“Tonight” I smiled.

“Yay, thank god” She laughed running off to get changed. I felt bad for her and last night. I looked in the mirror and saw the cuts on my face.

“Hello, were home” I heard mum yell through the house. The girls came running down and gave them both a hug.

“Hi mum” I smiled giving her a hug.

“Do I ask” She bent down grabbing the twins.

“No, but we got some news for you”

“You do” Her eyes lit up.

“Were having twins” Amber walked down the stairs with her bags. I ran over to her and grabbed them off of her.

“I would’ve gotten these” She just laughed at me and went and gave mum a hug.

“Well you two are free to go now and thank you very much for watching the kids” She smiled giving me a kiss on the cheek. I put the bags in the car and watched Amber and mum having a little conversation. I tooted the horn and watched Amber run over.

“Yay, home time” She smiled. With that we headed off back to London.

Casey’s P.O.V

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