Chapter 28

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Louis’s P.O.V

It had been a couple of weeks since we left for tour. I had a massive talk with Harry but there was no hope for him and Bec I could just see it. I was still surprised he cheated. I still felt really bad for leaving Amber home alone. We had been talking at least for a couple of hours a day. I decided to call her. There was no answer though which was weird. I tried the house phone as well nothing.

“Something’s not right” I looked at Lou.

“What do you mean” She looked at me through the mirror while doing my hair.

“Amber’s not picking up” I looked at my phone.

“I’m sure everything’s fine” She smiled. I decided I would give her a couple of hours. Amber and I decided not to turn off phones for the whole time just incase of an emergency and with her being a few months along, just finishing  the first trimester.

We finished the concert and were sitting on the couch.

“Are you okay bud” Harry grabbed my shoulder.

“I haven’t heard from Amber all day and I’m getting worried” I looked at my phone again. Amber’s name came up. I quickly answered it.

“Amber, are you okay” I felt myself calm down.

“No, you need to come home please, I really need you” Her voice sounded shaky and sounded like she been crying.

“What wrong” I started putting things in a bag. I was going to stand here while this was happening.

“He’s gone” She sniffled.

“Who, your dad” I stopped what I was doing.

“No, our son” I dropped my bag.

“What about the other baby” I was almost about to panic.

“She’s fine, yesterday afternoon I went to the doctors and they told me I had lost him, I can’t do this alone, not after loosing him” She sniffled.

“I’m on my way” I got off the phone and tried to find the boys.

“Were going in a few mins” Liam smiled.

“I need to go home, Amber needs me” I grabbed my bag.

“You can’t we have a concert”

“I can and I will, my family is more important right now”

“You’re so whipped” Harry laughed.

“Yes obviously I’m whipped since I just lost my son” I yelled. Harry’s face just dropped.

“Go” Niall and Zayn said at the same time.

Casey’s P.O.V

The boys were over with Bec. We decided to have a movie night since Bec was due in about a month or 2 so we didn’t know how long we’d have without a little child. I was on the couch with Ashton while she was on the couch next to Michael. Calum and Luke were sitting on the floor.

“We should Skype Amber” I smiled. We hadn’t had time to Skype her lately. I dialed her name and she answered.

“Hey” She didn’t have her cam on which was weird and she sounded funny.

“Are you okay” Ashton sat up.

“I don’t know” She sniffled.

“What do you mean, tell us what’s going on” He seems very worried.

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