Chapter 32

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Amber’s P.O.V

I was waiting at the airport for Ashton. Louis was at home with the twins. There were a few fans there. I took pictures with them as I waited. They seemed to be the nice ones. I saw Ashton walking over holding Wyatt. I grabbed Wyatt off him and gave him a hug.

“Hey buddy” I smiled. I looked at Wyatt. I tickled his sides he just smiled laughing.

“Hey, of course you’d go for the baby” Ashton laughed. We got to the car. I put Wyatt in a car seat in the back. The car ride was quick. We just caught up on everything.

“Where’s Casey” I stopped the car in the drive way.

“She’s really tired so I told her I’d take Wyatt and come and see you” Ashton smiled. I grabbed Wyatt out of the car.

“Of course you would have him” Louis walked outside to come and give Ashton a hand with everything.

“You know it” I smiled. I went up in the nursery and put Wyatt on the floor with the twins. They were lying underneath their toy mat thing. The boys came in.

“Do you want a beer” Louis looked at Ashton.


“Babe you want something” Louis smiled.

“Just a bottle of water please” I smiled. They wondered off. I sat on the floor just watching the babies play. I could tell I’d be the one up all week now. We were putting Wyatt in a pop up crib in the twins room.

“Here” Louis threw it at me.

“Thanks” I smiled. The phone started going off. Louis picked it up. He was on the phone for awhile. Perrie was getting better she let for her parents house.

“Love, I’m going to the pub for dinner with the boys, I’ll take Ashton” Louis smiled.

“Okay, be careful” I kissed his cheek those two left.

“What are we going to do tonight” I looked down at the twins they were just smiling. I picked them up and quickly fed them as well as Wyatt. I gave them all a bath and put them to bed. They were passed out straight away. I laid in my room pretty much for the rest of the night and watched some movies. It was about 12 o’clock I was still awake cause I can’t sleep when I know Louis is meant to be here. I heard a crash come from down stairs.

“Shh Amber’s probably asleep” I heard what sounded like Louis slur. There was some laughter. I got up out of bed and put a robe on.

“What are you guys doing here” I whispered. Louis walked over to me and put his arm over my shoulder.

“I told them they could stay the night” He slurred he was so drunk.

“Where’s Ashton” I looked at him.

“He’s still at the pub” Niall laughed. They were all so drunk.

“Go in the lounge room, I’ll go get him” I went and got changed. I didn’t want to leave the babies there but I had to. Liam was the least drunk. I walked in the pub. Some of the men in there started wolf whistling at me. I found Ashton sitting at a table with a drink and some guys talking. I saw some girl showing far to much skin for her own good just walked up to Ashton and start making out with him. I pulled her off.

“What is wrong with you” She screamed getting up to hit me.

“Get the fuck away from him” I looked at Ashton he looked out of it. She quickly ran off. I grabbed his face. I knew that look. He’d been drugged. I helped him up and to the car. It had already been in his system for far to long. I quickly drove home. I was pissed because the boys left him at the pub in this state. I helped Ashton to the downstairs bedroom. I grabbed him a bottle of water and some aspirin for when he work up.

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