Chapter 12

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Casey’s P.O.V

Amber just returned from her jog, Bec Harry and Louis were all sitting on the couch just waiting for the food to come.

“Hey Amber, are you going on the tour with us” Bec smiled as Amber sat down.

“Ummm no, actually, I’m going to go on a trip around the world” She smiled.

“You are” I looked at her funny.

“Yeah” She smiled. I looked over at Harry and Louis they were whispering something to each other.

“Food’s here” Ashton smiled bringing it inside. I smiled to I’m and went and got it off him.

“I’ll be back” Amber smiled and got up.

“Where she going” Ashton laughed sitting down on the chair and pulling me on his lap.

“I don’t know” I kissed his cheek then Amber came back in the room holding Anakin in her arms.

“Does he seriously have t be in here while we eat” I looked at her.

“Yes” We all started eating we all were drinking to except for Bec of course.

“Do you guys want to play a game” Louis asked, he hadn’t spoke up to anyone all night except for Harry.

“Sure” Bec smiled to him.

Harry’s P.O.V

Casey went and grabbed a board game that we could all play, we were all sitting around the little coffee table, Louis has been to shy to talk to anyone which is quite weird for him, I think he might like Amber to be honest.

“Yes I win” Bec smiled.  It was only 7 o’clock we all thought it was later then that.

“I’m going to go for a drive around the city to waste some time and walk Anakin, anyone want to join me” Amber smiled, I looked at Louis.

“Maybe another night Amber” Casey smiled grabbing hold of Ashton’s hand.

“Louis wants to go” I blurted out. He quickly looked at me and shook his head.

“Yeah Louis you should go, Amber can show you around” Bec winked at him.

“Yeah, Amber knows the city better then anyone here” Ashton smiled at Amber, she look at him and gave the evil.

“Come on, it will be fun” Amber grabbed Louis hand and dragged him out and quickly grabbed Anakin.

“We should talk about the tour” Casey smiled.

“Yeah and what were going to do while were there” Bec smiled.

Amber’s P.O.V

Louis and I got in he car, I put Anakin in my lap, I didn’t want him to annoy Louis.

“Is this your car” Louis asked, he seemed really nervous.

“Yeah it is” I smiled to him. I pulled over to a little park and got out of the car, we walked around for a little bit.

“So how long you here for” I smiled as we walked down the path.

“Only for a week”

“Oh” I looked down at Anakin who was just looking around.

“Maybe you can some and visit when you travel and get to England or if you like I can join you and be your personal tour guide” He shyly smiled at me.

“Really you’d actually join me on my tour”

“Well yeah, unless your going with someone”

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