Chapter 24

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Louis’s P.O.V

Amber and I were now on our way to my mum’s house. I couldn’t wait to the twins again.

“Were here” I rubbed Amber’s leg as she got up

“Yay, bout time” Amber laughed. We got out of the car and walked hand in hand to the door.

“Hey mum” I smiled as mum answered the door.

“Oh hi darling” She gave us a hug and invited us in. The twins were laying on a play mat.

“Oh their so cute, what’s there names” Amber smiled picking them up.

“Doris and Ernest” Mum smiled as she sat on the couch. Amber sat down on the couch as well holding the twins.

“Where’s the girls” I asked mum.

“They’re at school silly, actually I was wondering if you could go pick them up for me” She smiled.

“Yep I can do that, When I leave Amber can hang here” I smiled. Amber just nodded she was to interested in the babies.

“Thank you love” Mum smiled taking Ernest off Amber.

“So you excited for next weekend” Amber smiled.

“Very” I looked at the time.

“I’ll go get the girls now” I smiled heading off.

Casey’s P.O.V

“Ashton” I called as I walked back into the house with the shopping.

“Yeah babe” He poked his head up from the couch, but quickly got up when he saw the shopping.

“Thanks” I smiled giving him a quick kiss.

“So whats the plans today” He looked over at me while I put the shopping away.

“Well, I was thinking I might go visit my parents” I smiled, I hadn’t seen them in awhile.

“Alright, I’ll go get ready” Ashton smiled leaving quickly. I stood by the door when Ashton walked out. We drove over to their house.

“Mum” I yelled as we walked in the doors.

“Im in the kitchen” I heard her yell back.

“Hi mum” I smiled giving her a hug.

“Hi darling, you look amazing” She smiled. I knew she was excited to have a grandchild soon.

“We all sat down on the couch, mum gave me a water and Ashton a coffee.

“So do you know what your having” Mum smiled.

“Yeah, were having a boy, but we kinda want to keep it a surprise” I laughed.

“Yeah I understand” She smiled, we sat there for about a few hours just talking and catching up.

Louis’s P.O.V

I picked up all the girls and we headed back to the house. They all put there stuff away, I walked into the lounge room. I heard mum and Amber giggling.

“What are you guys…. Oi put those away” They were looking at my baby album.

“You were such a cute baby” Amber smiled.

“Shut up” I mumbled. I sat down next to her and we finished looking threw the book.

“Were you guys staying the night” Mum smiled putting the book on the table.

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