Chapter 19

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Louis’s P.O.V

Amber and I just sat on the couch and watched comedy movies. I had this feeling that Amber needed cheering up. I didn’t put any romantic comedies on.

“Can we watch a scary movie” Amber looked over at me. She was laying on one of the couches by herself with a blanket.

“Okay, which one” I smiled.

“Let’s watch the Insidious” She smiled. She grabbed her phone and started calling something.

“Okay” I smiled putting it in.

“Hi can I get a large meat lovers and a extra large cheese pizza with extra cheese” I guess Amber was ordering pizza. I sat back down and we started watching the movie. I heard Amber crying a little bit.

“Babe you okay” I got up and sat on the couch with her and put her head in my lap and just stroked her hair.

“Yeah I’ll be fine” She laughed a little when the pizza guy got here. She came and sat back down and handed me a pizza.

“Thanks” I smiled. We finished off the pizzas Amber ate the whole thing.

“Were you hungry” I laughed.

“Just a bit” She snuggled up close to me.

Casey’s P.O.V

I was a little upset that Amber left, but I think it was for the best. I walked out of the bedroom and noticed that the boys had left.

“Wow thanks for telling me” I walked over to the fridge in the and found a note from Ashton saying where they were going. I just smiled at it. I went and laid down on the couch and took a little nap. I woke up to the sound of the boys coming in.

“Hey babe” I smiled to Ashton he walked over and gave me a quick kiss.

“Hi love” I pulled him onto the couch to seat with me, I already missed Bec and I kind of feel bad of Amber.

“Ummm, I’m going to stay with Amber, the only reason why is because I thought you could spend sometime with the boys” I smiled.

“Oh okay” He smiled.

“I promise we can hang out I just feel really bad for her”

“Babe, I understand it’s okay” He gave me a quick kiss.

“Okay, I’ll see you in the tomorrow then” I smiled at him before grabbing my bags and going to see Amber and Louis. I walked across the road. I knew what room they were in. I got to the door and knocked. The next thing I heard was a girly scream. Amber opened the door.

“Hey Casey, that was Louis squealing” She laughed. I walked inside.

“Were just watching a scary movie.” Amber smiled getting back on the couch next to Louis.

“Cool what one you watching” I laughed.

“Insidious” We started giggling.  I went and grabbed some popcorn and then looked over at Louis and Amber, they were making out.

“Guys come on” I laughed.

“Whoops sorry” Amber lost it laughing.

“Oh Louis can I talk to you for a minute” I smiled.

“Sure” He got up and followed me into out into the all.

“Well Ashton’s birthday’s in a few days and I want you to help me get a gift right now without Amber knowing.

“Okay, let me go say good bye to her” He smiled. He soon came back and we headed off.

Amber’s P.O.V

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