Chapter 8

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Bec’s P.O.V

Today was my first day at school. I was super glad that we didn’t wear school uniform here.

“Bec, do you want me to drop you off on my way to work” I heard Harry ask from the kitchen, he made a pretty awesome dinner last night.

“Yes please” I walked out of the bedroom with one of Harry’s jackets on and jeans, I really didn’t want anyone to see my belly, I was only going to school for a month then I would leave due to the baby. We headed out the door and saw Amber and her roommate coming down the hall.

“Hey” I waved to them.

“Oh hey Bec” Amber smiled. “This is Casey” I looked over at Casey she had a massive smile on her face.

“Hey” I looked that them, they had school bags and everything.

“What school are you going to” I asked them.

“Oh where going to the one called North Star” Amber smiled.

“Same, would it be okay if I got a ride with you”

“Yeah sure” I gave Harry a quick kiss on the cheek and left with the girls.

Casey’s P.O.V

I drove the car to school. Everyone watched as Amber got in a wheelchair. They all start whispering to each other.

“Come on let’s go” I heard Amber say as she wheeled off. We headed to the office to help Bec get her stuff, she had all the same classes with me and English and Maths with Amber and me. So it was my job to show her around. We all headed to our tree where we sit all the time.

“I’m going to go find Brian, I haven’t heard from him since yesterday morning”

“Okay” I smiled I just sat with Bec and started having a great conversation with her she was pretty much just like me and Amber.

Amber’s P.O.V

After I left the tree I knew where I could find Brian, I needed to talk to him about yesterday, I had a feeling he was pissed off. I wheeled myself down to where Stacy and everyone hang out. I saw Brian sitting there. I managed to get to the tables with out killing anyone.

“Hey” I tapped Brian’s shoulder.

“Oh hey” He turned around and looked at me.

“Can I please talk to you” I wheeled back a bit so he could get up.

“Yeah sure” We headed over to one of the trees near the table.

“Are you avoiding me” I asked looking up at him.

“Well when you sent me home yesterday when I was trying to help you kinda pissed me off”

“Yeah I realized look I just wanted to get through the day by myself with no one helping me”

“Yeah well you could’ve of explained that yesterday”

“Is that the only problem you have” I asked him.

“No another thing you could’ve messaged me to tell me you were doing okay”

“well it’s not like you messaged me is it, see I knew I should’ve of just called Casey to come and get me Saturday night instead of you driving us because now I cant wear the dress I brought to go in for prom so thanks” I was getting pissed at this point. I knew the bell went and I knew Casey come and found me cause we had Maths first.

“Well maybe you should’ve” Brian looked behind me.

“Right well it’s over between us cause your just an asshole who I don’t need in my life ciao” I turned around and walked off Casey gave me a hug and then we left.

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