Chapter 7

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Brian’s P.O.V

I blame myself for what happened to Amber, I know I shouldn’t of been drinking. I waited out the door of her apartment after the cops let me go. The three of them came to the door, Amber in a wheel chair. She gave me a little smiled.

“This was you” Her brother yelled at me.

“I know and I’m sorry” I tried to get more out but Austin just interrupted me.

“I don’t care, leave”

“Ashton just shut up and open the bloody door so I can get inside and go to bed and Brian is staying if he wants to, I don’t blame him for this” I slipped a smile of my lips the way Amber said that.

“Hi is everything okay” The neighbour of there’s I met.

“Yep everything’s fine Harry” He nodded and headed back inside. Ashton opened the door and Amber headed for her room. I was right behind her.

“Look I am really sorry I shouldn’t of been driving” I looked over at her, she was digging through some draws for clothes.

“Yes, I know” She grabbed a massive baggy t-shirt. “I’ll be back and get some clothes for you” She wheeled herself out. I sat there on Amber’s bed looking around her room, she had loads of band posters. There was a picture of her and Casey on her bedside table as well as on of her and Ashton.

“Here you go” Amber smiled as she handed me the clothes she also got changed into the massive Pierce The Veil t-shirt.


“The bathroom is in that door there” She pointed to a door in her room.

“Thank you” I went in there and got changed.

Amber’s P.O.V

I wasn’t happy with Ashton the way he had a go at Brian. I went into the spare room where Ashton was staying and grabbed some clothes for Brian, I just grabbed him a pair of pants. I wheeled to the side of my bed and tried the get up before Brian walked back in here, to late.

“Here let me up you” He picked me up bridal style and placed me on the bed.

“Thanks” I pulled the blanket over me and laid on the pillow.

“You can join me” I looked over at Brian he was just sitting in the computer chair.

“Okay” He lay down next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist as we fell asleep.

I woke up in so much pain. I sat up and grabbed my phone, it was about 8 in the morning on a Saturday.

Brian was facing the other way.  I made my way into the wheelchair and wheeled myself outside. Casey always had painkillers in the cupboard. I need to get some extra strong stuff for my leg. I headed into the lounge room and saw Casey sitting on the couch.

“Morning” She smiled sipping on her ice tea.

“Hey” I wheeled next to the couch and watched TV it’s not like I could of done anything else.

“Did you sleep well” Casey asked while filling some papers out now.

“Ummm yeah better then I thought” I laughed. Ashton came out and joined us in the lounge room.

“Morning” I didn’t say anything back to him. I was still mad.

Bec’s P.O.V

Harry and I just moved into this new place.  I was a few months pregnant. It was one of the reasons why we moved from England to America. Last night we heard yelling in the hall it was the people from next door that we met yesterday. Harry came inside and told me that Amber the girl we met had a broken leg. It’s really sad that. Though I have school on Monday, I won’t know anyone there. I didn’t know how old Amber was she looked my age.

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