Chapter 15

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Ashton’s P.O.V

We arrived in Paris about an hour ago, I told Casey to wear something nice since I was going to take her out to dinner and then ask her to marry me.

“Okay I’m ready” Casey walked out smiling, Bec walked next to her ad smiled at her creation. I grabbed Casey’s hand.

“Come on let’s go” I smiled, we headed to the Eiffel Tower for dinner. As Casey went to the bathroom quickly I hand a ring to our waiter.

“A bottle of champagne please” I smiled, the waiter came back and filled to glasses up.

“Champagne” Casey smiled. We took a sip. I noticed Casey’s eyes light up.

“Ashton” A tear spilled. From her eyes.

“Casey, you’re the love of my life and I don’t have want to loose you will you do the honour of becoming my wife” I smiled to her.

“Yes, yes I would love to” I gave her a hug and kiss then we went back to eating. Casey just kept admiring her ring.

“Let’s go back to the hotel” Casey smiled, we paid the check.

“Okay” We walked back and Casey ran inside and grabbed Bec. I just laughed at her. Everyone congratulated us. I knew I would have to call Amber but I thought I would make her wait.

Amber’s P.O.V

I woke up with Louis’s arm still draped over me. I didn’t want to wake him and tell him to get his arm off me. I slowly crawled out of the bed and went to the bathroom, I haven’t had a day since I’ve met Louis without make up on. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a coffee and sat on the couch. London was actually a really beautiful place. Louis walked out. I remember he went to bed with no t-shirt on. I just watched him walk into the kitchen.

“Morning” He smirked.

“Morning” I laughed. I got up and put the cup back in the sink. I walked back to the couch and switched the TV on. 

“So what time we leaving” I asked Louis as he sat down.

“In a couple of hours so you might want to get ready and do you make up” He laughed, I just shook my head and went and got ready. I decided to not put make up on today since we weren’t doing much. I walked back out.

“That was quick” He laughed then noticed I had no make up on.

“I know” I smiled wheeling my suitcase out.

“You look nice without make up on” Louis smiled looking away.

“Thanks” I laughed. Louis went and got ready. I put a jacket on.

“Oh your going to need a heavier jumper then that”

“I don’t have anything heavier. I shrugged my shoulders.

“Here” He handed me a heavier jacket..

“Thanks” We headed off to the car and we were on our way.

Harry’s P.O.V

Tomorrow I was going to do the same as Ashton but propose to Bec. I decided to call Louis and ask how thing are going.

“Hello” Amber had answered his phone.

“Hi Amber, is Louis there”

“Yeah were just driving to his mums house”

“Oh cool, have you heard the news”

“That Casey’s pregnant”

“No, that their engage”

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