Chapter 22

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Amber’s P.O.V

Today was graduation. I was quite excited, I walked into Casey’s room as she was fixing her robe, I closed the door behind me and smile at her.

“I can’t believe this is happening” I smiled at her.

“I know” She laughed.

“I’m thinking about moving to England with Louis” I looked at her, she quickly looked back at me eyes popping out of her head.

“But what about us, your family” She sat down on her bed.

“Well, I thought about that, and well I figured since Ashton is my only real family he can always afford to fly over as well as I can afford to fly back over, and you know I love you guys and I’ll come back when the baby is born” I smiled at her.

“Well it’s your decision” She looked a little upset.

“Okay” I gave her a hug and walked out, Ashton decided to wear a suit as well as Louis.

“Come here” Ashton smiled pulling me in for a hug. “I’m so proud of you” He kissed my cheek.

“Thank you” I smiled. We stood under the doorframe so Louis could get a pictures, I got a picture with everyone. Bec and Harry had walked over with the boys and Perrie. They were coming as well. We got to the high school and sat down. The ceremony finally finished, there was going to be an after party which everyone was invited to.

“Are you going to come to the after party with me” I looked up at Louis as he wrapped his arms over my shoulders.

“Of course I will, so none of you little friends get to you” He winked.

“Were not going to go” Casey smiled. I knew they wouldn’t cause of the baby.

“Okay” I smiled at them. We headed back to the apartment and Louis and I got ready for the after party.

Casey’s P.O.V

Bec and I were just going to go back to her apartment and watch movies while the boys were at mine playing games.

“I’m kinda going to miss school” I smiled at Bec as we sat on the couch. We decided we were going to watch scary movies for the rest of the day. We let Perrie hang out with us because she didn’t want to be stuck with the boys in the other room.

“So how far along are you” Bec smiled at Perrie.

“Were about a month” She smiled.

“I’m about 3 months” I smiled over at them. In a couple of weeks Ashton and I were going to go and find out what we were having. I wasn’t sure about Amber moving to England. I would miss her to much and I don’t think I could take care of the baby by myself when Ashton goes on tour again. But I’ll have Bec but she’ll have to look after Chase when he’s born. We watched some more TV when my phone started ringing.


“Hey Case, can you and Ashton come bail me out of jail please” I heard Amber’s voice, she seemed a little shaken.

“What did you do” I got off the couch and put my jacket on.

“I may have assaulted Stacy and broke a few of her ribs and her nose” She started sniffling.

“Jesus, I’m on my way” I hung and told the girls I’d be back. I went and got Ashton and we headed over.

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