Chapter 31

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Bec’s P.O.V

I was sitting with Casey. The boys were now a couple of months old and Amber was due anytime now.

“You excited to have a niece” I looked at Ashton as he walked in.

“Yeah, cause I will be a cool uncle” He laughed going back in the other room. I looked at Casey she just shook her head.

“That ones crazy” She laughed. The boys were on the floor playing on the play mat, we knew they would be good friends, hopefully. I looked at the time. Michael and I were going to the movies tonight. We have gotten so much closer. So tonight Casey said that her and Ashton wouldn’t mind looking after Ryder.

“Has Harry seen how big he is” Casey looked at me.

“Yeah, I send him photos between here and there” I smiled.

“Good” I decided to head home and get ready. Michael soon appeared at the door.

“Hey” He smiled giving me a hug.

“Hey” We were off to go see a scary movie.

“Let’s go” He smiled, we headed off. When we got there I grabbed the food and Michael grabbed the tickets. We sat near the back of the room. The boys won the award for being the worst band couple months back and have been happy about it.

“Here” I handed him his drink as we sat down. I laughed scary movies they were the best except for clown ones, little did I know there were going to be clowns in this one and soon as the first scene finished I was cuddled into Michael. He was just stroking my back while giggling to himself. By the time the movie I was to scared to walk. We got to the car and I looked at Michael.

“Thank you” I smiled.

“You’re welcome, Bec can I ask you something” He moved his body around to face me.

“Sure” I smiled.

“Would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend” He smiled.

“Yes” I nearly screamed. I gave him a hug and we were off.

Amber’s P.O.V

I was finally at the nine month stage. I was massive literally. I was walking around the house making sure everything was baby proof until I felt a wetness go down my pants.

“Lou- wait your not here” I spoke to my self. I quickly called him and told him he said he was on his way. I called his mum and Ashton I was meeting them all there. Ashton of course as well as Louis would need to catch the plane. I managed to get to the hospital I made it in the place and was escorted to a room. Jay walked into the room.

“How you feeling love” She grabbed my hand.

“Fine” I smiled. We were in here a couple of hours before anything was happening. Ashton wouldn’t be here til tomorrow and Louis was at the airport now driving here. Lottie walked in smiling.

“This is great” She laughed. While taking a seat. I looked at the door as Louis burst in.

“It’s happening” He had tears in his eyes. I nodded my head at him. I started to feel contractions. I grabbed Louis hand as I pushed. Out came Rachel Anne.

“Miss your not down yet” The doctor smiled.

“What do you mean” I started to panic slightly.

“You have another one on the way” I looked at Louis.

“No, I was told I miscarried the other baby” I stuttered.

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