[47] "It's Only Ever Been You And It Will Always Be You."

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{6:00 pm} PULLING IN THE PARKING LOT of 'Paradise', I shift the car into park and take my keys out of the ignition before I glance at my wife. I notice she's sound asleep in the passenger's seat and she's using her hand propped up on the window as her pillow, a little drool left behind on her hand. 'Damn, she's so pretty' I thought. "Hey, babe?" I whisper, lightly shaking her.

"Mm?" she mumbles softly. "Mom let me sleep."

"Babe, come on," I purr, "wake up. We've arrived at our destination."

"Where?" she mutters, fluttering her eyes open and peering at me.

"It's your surprise," I reply. "I rented this place out for us to use for a few hours. Come on."

Unbuckling her seatbelt, she stretches her arms out and releases a yawn. She's about to look forward to see where we are, when I stop her. "Here, put this on." I reveal my black tie to her. She cocks an eyebrow and gives me a curious look, but nods. She turns around and I tie the black tie around her eyes. "I want this to be a surprise so I don't want you to see the building yet," I inform before gently pushing the strap of her tank top aside and lightly brushing my lips against the tattoo on her shoulder. "Let me come around to your side and help you out."

"Okay," she responds in a whisper as she nods.

I climb out of the driver's seat and go over to her side and help her out. Locking the doors behind me, I wrap my arm around my wife's waist and we walk inside. "You ready to see?" I ask my wife eagerly as I stand behind her (Luckily, there's a full length mirror a few inches to the left of her so I'll be able to see her reaction after I remove the blindfold.)

"Mm-hmm." She nods eagerly and I chuckle. I count down from three in my head and then remove the blind fold. "Surprise!" I turn my attention and watch as she gasps and her eyes widen. "Woah, this is nice," Dezerae replies, looking around. "How much did it cost to rent out this place for a few hours?"

I give her emotionless look in the mirror. "What'd I say about asking about the prices of these things? Babe, I got it covered. Just enjoy it."

She rolls her eyes, but nods. "Fine." After a moment's silence, she grins broadly at me in the mirror. "Thank you, baby."

"Mm, the good stuff hasn't even started yet, babe," I inform, smirking cockily are her. Moving from being behind her, I go over to the north wall where the light switch is and flick it on. All the overhead lights shut off and the colorful black lights, animated stars, and disco light turn on. "Huh, Kaiden!" Dezerae gasps again and covers her mouth. "This is so pretty."

I grin widely at her. "I did have this place rented out for the entire night tonight and tomorrow night, but then everything with Desma happened. So I called to cancel and the manager said that I can still have this place for a few hours tonight."

"This is beautiful," she whispers. "My hubby sure does know how to spoil his wifey."

Beaming at her, I go up to her and wrap my arms around her waist. "I love you," I whisper before pressing my lips against hers.

"I love you too," she whispers back against my lips, wrapping her arms around my neck. {6:15 pm} I press a button the wall beside me and 'You and Me' by: 'Lifehouse' begins to softly play. "I know things happen when we least expect it," my gorgeous wife whispers. "This baby was definitely unplanned." She pauses briefly and chuckles as she continues, "Along with our gone too soon miracle, Devin, and KJ." She pauses briefly again as she pulls away from me slightly and locks eyes with me. "But this baby is someone we created together. We may not be ready to handle another one, but God will be with us every step of the way through this pregnancy and after I deliver the baby. I know, without a doubt, He wouldn't give us anything we aren't ready for yet." She pauses again and exhales a shaky breath as a couple tears roll down her beautiful, angelic face. "Kaiden, we may not be ready for this, but God's got our back." She bites her bottom lip gently as a couple more tears roll down her face and she peers at the ground momentarily. Then, she meets my eyes again as she grips my face. "I am so in love with you, Kaiden Trent Parker. Thank you for playing such a big role in my life and thank you for these two angels sent from above, this one angel I'm creating in my womb, and our beautiful angel watching over us and our family from above."

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