[32] "I'll Make This Ride Enjoyable"

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{Monday, March 5, 2018}

{10:19 am} "ARE YOU NERVOUS? HOW DO you think your appointment is going to go today?" Destiny asks me from her spot on the couch. "I've never really realized the anxiety attacks you've had."

"I'm a little nervous. I hope it goes well and my anxiety isn't anything serious, you know," I whisper, glancing up at her from me tying my shoes. "I know these past two weeks have been kind of a rough patch for Kaiden and me, but I'm so relieved and overjoyed that he's taking these next couple days off from to work to help me. I'm glad he's coming with me to my appointment today."

Destiny gives me a bright smile.

That's when I hear Devin's feet scurrying across the hardwood floor as he shouts, "Momma?! Momma?!"

"What, baby?" I call out.

Seconds later, he pops up in front of me. "Hi, Mama!" he chirps, grinning at me. "Where is you and Daddy go? I and Bubba wanna go."

"Aw, bud." Sitting up straight, I pull Devin onto my lap and kiss his temple. "I wish you and KJ could come with us, but y'all will get so bored after five minutes. Y'all are going to stay home with CiCi, Aunt Destiny, and Matthew, okay?"

Frowning at me and peering down at my lap, he pouts his bottom lip out and nods faintly. "Otay, Mama," he whispers.

"I love you, baby," I respond, kissing his temple again. "Mama and Daddy will be back in a little bit, okay?"

Nodding, my son jumps off my lap and sprints into the playroom to play with Matthew.

That's when I hear Kaiden and Kaycie's voices speaking. "Thanks for sitting at home this morning and helping Destiny watch the kids while I take Dezerae to her appointment. I really appreciate it, Mama."

"You're welcome, honey," I hear Kaycie answer. "I hope whatever Dezerae has, it isn't too severe or anything."

"Yeah, me too," I hear Kaiden respond. I glance up and watch as Kaiden sets KJ down. "Bye, Daddy," KJ replies, smiling up at his dad.

"Bye, bud," Kaiden responds. "I'll see you in a little bit."

KJ grins at Kaiden and then bolts into the playroom where Matthew and Devin are.

Sighing, Kaiden glances at me. "Are you ready to go? I don't want to be late for the appointment."

Releasing a faint sigh, I run my fingers through my hair. "Ready as I'll ever be," I murmur, standing up.

Kaycie comes over to me and envelopes me into her arms. "I love you, sweetie. Whatever the psychiatrist says you have I'll be here for you."

"Thank you," I whisper behind my tears.

Wiping away my freshly fallen tears, I turn my undivided attention to Destiny. "Thanks again, girl, for helping Kaycie babysit Devin and KJ while Kaiden takes me to this appointment. We shouldn't be gone for long, text me or Kaiden if you either one of you need anything."

Destiny forks over a wide grin.

Kaiden comes over and casually slings his arm across my shoulders. "Let's go, babe."

I giggle softly under my breath as Kaiden directs me outside.

~ ~ ~

{12:01 pm} Sighing softly, I glance up at Kaiden. "I wish we had got me a psychiatrist and I found out about how severe my depression was sooner," I whisper behind my tears. "This sucks."

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