[35] "Dez, You Can Do This."

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{4:16 pm} "SO WHAT MOVIE DO Y'ALL want to watch first? I honestly don't care which one y'all choose; I'll watch whichever one y'all want," Kaycie acknowledges, glancing at us scattered around the living room floor.

"'No Strings Attached'," Whitney suggests. "I love Ashton Kutcher in that movie!"

Kaycie smiles at Whitney as she retrieves the movie and loads it into the DVD player. Entering the kitchen, I pile a couple of slices of pizza onto my plate and go back into the living room to sit down in the solid black beanbag. I had just finished my first slice of pizza when a nauseous feeling runs through my body. "Oh, shit!" I softly curse as I spring up from the beanbag and bolt into the bathroom.

{4:17 pm} After several seconds, the girls and Kaycie appear in the doorway. "Dez, are you okay?" Destiny asks, cocking an eyebrow.

Without even glancing at her, I give her a thumbs-up as I continue to get sick. Moments later, I feel the presence of someone behind me as they gather my hair up in their hand and pull it back. "You don't seem okay," I hear Kaycie reply behind me. "Are you getting the stomach bug?"

"I-I hope n-not," I mutter in between my strangled breaths I take. "Fuck!"

"I've actually noticed that this has happened more than a few times this week after she's eaten something or when she's woken up," Destiny informs. "I think she's pregnant."

I shoot her my middle finger and she rolls her eyes.

{4:18 pm} When I finish, I lean back and Kaycie flushes the toilet for me. "So we'll have you take a test?" Kaycie asks, glancing down at me.

I roll my eyes. "I don't need to take a test," I respond in an irritated tone, "because I'm not pregnant. Maybe the reason I've been puking more than a few times this week is that I'm so nervous about tomorrow. Seriously, y'all, it's nothing. So no I don't need to or want to take a test."

Kaycie and the girls release a soft breath, but nod nonetheless.

Standing up, I splash cold water on my face and swish some in my mouth before spitting it out in the sink. Then, I venture back into the living room to grab my plate and put my other pizza slice back (since I technically didn't touch it).

~ ~ ~

{8:30 pm} "What movie do y'all want to watch now? We've already watched 'No Strings Attached' and 'Friends With Benefits'."

"Watch a movie entitled "Me Hitting the Hay," I mumble as I rest my head against Destiny's arm.

"It's only 8:30 and you're tired?" Whitney questions, giving me a confused look.

"I'm so exhausted," I inform. "I think I'm going to go lay down in the guest room down here so y'all can still watch movies and we won't disturb each other."

"Aw, babe, we still have to do face masks and nails," Whitney whines. "Please stay so we can do that."

"It's just. . ." I inhale then exhale a deep breath as I pinch the bridge of my nose. "I'm tired," I reply. "We still have some time in the morning that we can do this. So I'm going to lay down. I'll see y'all in the morning."

"Do you want someone to come lay down with you?" Destiny asks, cocking an eyebrow.

"No, it's fine. Just keep up with Devin and KJ's baby monitor and if one of them starts crying, can one of y'all go check on 'em?"

"Yeah, honey, we got you," Kaycie answers.

Beaming at my fiancé's mom and my friends, I shuffle into the guest room on this floor and quietly shut the door. Curling up beneath the covers, I get all cozy and I'm out within seconds.

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