Meme time with the Edgelords

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A/N: Sooooo I awkwardly forgot to post last week and just spent this whole week pretending I did, so SashaL wouldn't notice, but now I've outed myself, and it's only a matter of time before he notices... send help... in votes ;)

"Sooo..." Zuko said awkwardly.

"What?" Mangetsu frowned as he tried to ignore Amaya, who was hanging from the side of the balloon making random bird noises.

"Uh... what are you?"

Mangetsu gave Zuko a perplexed look.

"A human?"

"No, I mean, like... how do I refer to you?"

"As Mangetsu?"

"He wants to know what's in your pants," Amaya jumped in.

"Determination," Mangetsu answered seriously.

Zuko sighed deeply as Amaya laughed so hard she fell out of the balloon, only to reappear twenty seconds later, still laughing.

"This is going nowhere," he muttered.

"Why is she laughing so hard?" Mangetsu grumbled.

"You...are... basically my twin," she wheezed.

"I will end you, woman," Mangetsu growled.

"She's not wrong," Zuko threw in. "You say weird things like her and kinda look alike too."

"It's the hair, isn't it?" Mangetsu said dryly. "Trust me, I've had people ask if I'm related to Mog, based on that alone. Should I start asking if you are related to every person with black hair?"

"Those are spikey words," Amaya cackled.

"Shove off," Mangetsu sighed.

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