Dancing Dragons

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When the others got back, I was admittedly a little weirded out by how weird Mangetsu was acting. But Zuko and Aang were apparently very excited to share what they learned - which Mangetsu pointed out in a weird, halting voice that they promised not to tell anyone.

So he then told us - in a very Amaya-esque way - to not tell anyone else.

"So, are you going to show us what happened or not?" Jin sighed.
Zuko and Aang then posed and started firebending through the different stances.
"With this technique, the dragons showed us, Zuko and I would be unstoppable," Aang said brightly.
They struck the final pose, and the group applauded.

"Yeah, that's a great dance you two learned there," Sokka teased.
"It's not a dance," Zuko said defensively. "It's a firebending form."
"We'll just tap-dance our way to victory over the Fire Lord," Sokka laughed.
"It's a sacred form that happens to be thousands of years old!" Zuko said, stomping towards Sokka.
"Oh yeah?" Katara laughed. "What's your little form called?"
"The Dancing Dragon," Zuko sighed, embarrassment colouring his cheeks.

The group laughed, but I noticed that Mangetsu didn't react - it was like he was lost in his own head.
"Hey, come on, squirt," I said, nudging him. "You never miss the opportunity to throw in a sarcastic comment or two."
"Hey, Mangetsu..." Katara awkwardly approached him, fiddling with her fingers. "I wanted to apologise for how I acted the other day... I know you wouldn't normally do things like that... and I know you would never hurt the people you care about."
Mangetsu blankly looked up at her, and that's when we saw a tear slip from those green-brown eyes.

In a flash, Jin was at his side, her hand gripping his bicep and whispering in his ear. I saw it on her face. Panic. It's what made me step between them and everyone else.
"Let's get you to bed," I said loudly.
I stepped around and put one of his arms over my neck, put a hand on his back.
"You got this, bro?" I asked, standing up.

"No-No," was the dual response.

"Plan B," I scooped the tiny waterbender into my arms bridal style. Only much less romantic. The poor kid didn't even put up a fight at being carried. He just lay there like a pile of wet laundry in my arms. "Makes me think of the times I'd carry my friends home drunk."
"They were drunk, or you were?" Jin asked.

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