Sparks vs Smol Bean

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We couldn't dodge forever. It just wasn't smart.

It was also rather obvious that our three-eyed friend was focused mostly on Aang.

"Mog, you and Sokka, see if you can't find the girls," I raised another stone wall to block a blast that almost took off Sokka's head. "Aang is his target by the looks of things. So he'll distract him."

"What are you gonna do?" Mog demanded.

"Keep Aang alive-"

Our attention was caught when the explosions suddenly stopped. Looking over the barrier, I could see a very surprised Sparky Dude and equally surprised Mangetsu facing off. I say that, but Mangetsu's eyes barely came level with the dude's nips.

"Wow, I knew he was tall, but damn," Mog commented. "Wait, MANGETSU!"

Mangetsu blinked in slow surprise to turn his head to look at Mogui, which was obviously a bad idea. Things happened in slow motion from there.

Sparks reached for Mangetsu, who realized he dun goofed and was trying to raise his sword to ward off the reaching hand, but was too slow. Sparks grabbed the kid by the throat and had lifted him from the ground. Mangetsu's sword clattered to the floor as he clawed at the metal fist around his neck desperately.

Mogui and I were already running. We couldn't bend at him, not with Mangetsu in the way. It looked like he was saying something to the short stack, but there was too much blood pumping in my ears, so I couldn't hear what was being said.

Mangetsu's face was turning red and slightly blue around the lips. He couldn't breathe.


Something Mangetsu gasped back obviously ticked off the three-eyed freak, and he threw the kid aside. Mangetsu hit a wall and flopped down limply, and that left an opening for retaliation. Only it wasn't me or Mog that got in a hit. A blast of ice encased his head, and Katara appeared at my elbow with the other two girls. I kicked him in the chest, causing him to stumble back while Mog scooped up the katana blade.

"Muteki, grab Mangetsu and let's get out of here," Jin pushed me towards the squirt. She grabbed Mogui's elbow and dragged him behind her. "Come on, let's move people!"

I grabbed the kid, lifting him into a fireman's lift. There was some blood spilling over his lip, which left me extremely concerned, but the priority was getting the hell outta here.

Sparks was preparing to fire another blast at us when Toph shot a rock at him. He blew it up but suddenly stumbled back as if he'd been poked in the eye or something.

"Don't look back!" Jin yelled as we booked it outta there.

There was another explosion but no fire. I chanced a look back and saw him on the ground.

"Whatever happened, this is our chance!" I called.

"Hey, I got it!" Sokka yelled. "The perfect name for that guy! "Combustion Man"!"

"Good job, Sokka," Toph answered. "Now, let's get out of here before "Combustion Man" catches us!"

"See? It fits so well!"

"MORE RUNNING, LESS CHATTING!" Mog and Jin yelled together.

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