Stay - Prologue

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A/N: I would love it if you gave Stay a chance! I understand that most of you are only here for Harry stories, but I'd love it if you tried reading a Niall book! I am super excited for this story and hope you will be too. I already posted it, so check out my page to add it to your libraries. Here's the prologue! 


Stay: Prologue

The saying, "You don't know what you have till it's gone" has never been more correct.

I noticed everything about her -

She was the light in my darkest of days. I noticed the way she danced when she thought no one was watching. How her eyes scrunched shut whenever she'd laugh. Her laugh is a melodic epiphany. A muse to my best of songs.

My life had been drifting over raging waters; she was the calming wind in my sails. I had become too blinded by my own self-doubt and deprivations to notice her heart finding it's way into mine. More so, how my heart had become a tangled up mess within her hands.

Falling in love was inconceivable. To have someone fall in love with me was a far off dream. Yet falling in love with her was fathomable. The utmost conceivable thing that I could do.

It was fate... we were fate.

All I can hope for now, all that I can ask, is that she will possibly linger. That she won't leave what we had for good. But instead do one thing - stay.

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