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Midnight Memories - One Direction


The days went by and soon enough a week. One whole week since I moved to London. My mind was still attempting to wrap it's way around that fact. It was strange. Absolutely bizarre. However, as strange and bizarre as it was, I couldn't help but feel more at home in this foreign city. 

As the days passed by, I found myself fall into a routine. A simple routine of: getting up, eating breakfast at Brerin's Diner (which I quickly realized was a play on Brad and Erin's name. "My niece says that the kids now call it a 'ship' name. Whatever the fuck that is." Brad had once explained to me.), adventuring about the city, and then ending my afternoon's with a coffee from Brerin and a book at Robert's bookstore. 

It was simple, I knew that. But there was something about the familiarity of the routine that made me feel less lost. I had developed a schedule for myself - if you will-, that would help settle into this new place I was hoping to call home. And by doing this, I didn't feel homesick. 

Which is pretty odd. I thought so at least. Manhattan was my home for twenty-one years of my life. A home that was full of people that I knew and loved. It housed my family, my friends, my education. But most importantly, all the memories and stories that are now built up in the back of my mind. Yet for some strange reason, I couldn't for the life of me find it in myself to miss it. 

Yes, I missed Nat and in a weird way I missed my parents. Of course I missed Ty and our... times together. But with all of the "missing" that I felt towards these people that I loved the most, I couldn't find it in me to pack up everything and go back home. 

I was hooked. London was a drug and now that I've been given a hit of what it is like to live here, I can't seem to get off of it. 

Jaz has been playing the biggest part in all of this. She was not only my roommate, but also my only friend. She has been almost like a sister to me over this past week. We haven't fought once (which is surprisingly, since we didn't even know each other prior to this), and have been able to agree to everything. She was great! Thank you Ty. Honestly. If it wasn't for him, I would probably be on the first flight back to New York. 


Tonight was the marking of my one week of moving to London. In light of my one week of living here, Jaz has taken it upon herself to have a "Look you did it! You're not a total baby and can actually live on your own, in a totally different country"... party. 

"There's no need for a party, J. It's a bit silly to have one, don't you think?" I had been trying to reason with her for the past hour how ridiculous it was to have a party for my one week of being here. 

"Nonsense! Besides, it's going to be a small get together. I want you to meet my boyfriend still. It will just be Ben and then two of our other friends. Nice and small, don't you worry your pretty little American head over it." She softly patted my head and I scoffed back. "It's just dinner and it's here at the apartment. I haven't shown you yet, but we have access to the rooftop garden."

My eyes grew wide at this new piece of information. If there was one thing that I had always wanted, was a rooftop garden in a fancy brick apartment building. I mean flat. God, this British slang is going to be the death of me. 

"Fine. That's not too bad I guess." 

"Not bad at all! Now go and shower."

"What are you? My mom?" I playfully rolled my eyes. A light chuckle escaped my lips causing Jaz to nudge me with her side. 

"Just go already!" 

I quickly make my way over to my bedroom and stifle my way through my wardrobe. Dinner party, dinner party. What the hell do I wear? Everything that I owned suddenly seemed ugly and unappealing. There has to be something here! 

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