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A week later I finally got to go home. I was really excited. Liam sits at driver, Niall in passenger, Harry and I sat in the back. I fell asleep. "Nicole, Nicole!" whispers a voice. I quickly shot my head up. Harry is looking at me holding his forehead. I feel pain on the top of my head. "Ouch!" I say smiling a bit. He laughs "come on love" He says helping me out the car. Liam and Niall are already in the house. As Harry and I walk up to the house his cat Molly comes meowing. I pick Molly up and bring her into the house. I smile and Harry opens the door. Its dark inside as I walk in the lights turn on and everyone of my friends and family jumps saying surprise! I laugh as Molly bury's her head into my stomach. I set her down and she runs upstairs. Everyone starts coming up to me. Everyone was there but Zayn. I pouted as I looked around. Then I felt two arms wrap around me and I placed my hands on his thinking it was Harry. Then I see Harry talking to Louis. I quickly remove my hands and turn around.

Zayn stands there smiling at me. "Zayn!!" I yell jumping on him. He smiles kissing my cheek. I whisper in his ear "i love you Zayn" he smiles whispering "i love you too". I jump off him making a soft thud. Harry walks up kissing my head. Zayn lets go of my hand and walks away. I turn and hug Harry. "So, did you do this or did Liam?" I say smiling. He looks at Niall. "its was Niall!?" I say smiling. He nods kisses my cheek then walks away. I walk up to Niall and put my hands around his waist. He smiles turning around. He has food in his mouth. He mumbles "hi beautiful" I smile as he swallows the piece of sandwich he was chewing. I laugh. "Enjoying the party?" He asks setting down his drink. I nod "thank you Niall" I say as I look at him.

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