The Band:

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I begin to walk to Zayn's house and I stop short. I hear singing and I look up and I see Harry in his room. I pull out my phone and record him. I then start walking again after I'm done. He looks out the window and sees me. He calls my name I stop, smile and looks up. He waves and I wave back.

As I walk up to Zayn's house I hear Liam. The band consists of Louis, Zayn, Niall, Liam. Caylynne comes and greets me. She whispers to me and says "Guess who I got a text from". I look at her and asks who. She show me her phone and it was Ashton Iwrin. He had asked about me, asking if I was single. I look up from the phone and gets red. We sit, and Louis kisses Caylynne and goes back to the band.

They play a song called One Thing. They sang a few songs that they wrote. Then Niall says " I think we should add someone else to the group. We don't even have a name." Liam agrees and so does Louis. Zayn says "But who?". And then I remembered I took a video of Harry singing. I said "Bub come here".

Liam walks over and looks at me. I show him the video and his mouth dropped. He signals the boys to come over. They all whisper and then Liam says "He's in". I laugh and smile. Zayn has a sour look on his face.

As I walk to my house I spot Harry running. I yell his name and he runs over. His shirt was off and he was sweating. I said "My brother has a band, and they want you to sing with them". Harry looks confused and he asks "How do they know I can sing"? I show him the video and he looks at me with a look. He says I'll talk with them tomorrow and he runs away.

The New Boy:Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang