The Week Gets Worst:

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I get into my locker. I see a little blonde girl flirting with Harry. She kisses him on the cheek and I slam my locker and walk away. Her name is Taylor Swift, she's a popular brat. Every guy wants her. Harry runs to me and stops me short. "Wait Nicole, what's wrong?". I look at him and try to hold back the tears. He looks at me hard, and I rush away. I run to the next empty hall I run into Taylor. She stops me and begins bullying me.

She's looking at me and says "Aw little baby is gonna cry. What's wrong? Is it Harry, you do realize he doesn't want you anymore." I wipe a tear from my face. She looks at my hoodie I have on. She makes me drop my books and she has her friends hold me while she takes his jacket. I struggle and try to force them off. She pushes me down and puts the jacket on. She then kicks my books and begins to laugh.

I lay there and I see a figure walking over. His name is Ashton Irwin. He's a popular jock that every girl wants. He sits me up holding my head. (Taylor recording everything.) Ashton wipes my tears. He sees me shivering and he puts his letterman jacket around me. I'm sitting up and he's holding my hand. He begins to talk to me. " Hey are you okay?, She pushed you really hard". I look at him and begin to cry. He looks at me, then picks me up. He's holding my hands, then he leans in for a hug.

I cry into his chest. He picks up my books and puts his arm around me walking me to the nurse.

Taylor walks up to Harry after class and shows him the video. He walks up to me and huffs "What the hell were you doing with Ashton!?" I look at him and then I look at Taylor. I shoot him a how dare you look. He huffs and sees the coat on me. He lifts up my hair and sees an A. "Really replacing my hoodie with Ashton's!?". I shoot him a look and say "Tayhore took the one you gave me!". He glances at my locker and sees his hoodie. He grabs it from my locker and says "Really! Then why is it in your locker!?" I stutter and say it was Taylor.

He walks away and goes up to Taylor. He walks her to her bus. I stand there looking at him. He runs to the bus and gets on.

I take off.

Liam sits down next to Niall. He notices that I am not in the seat with Harry. "Where is Nicole"? he wonders. Everyone shrugs.

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