Prom Night:

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I wake up early, not to the sounds of my phone or my alarm.

I start to get ready. Its 5:00 in the morning. I rush downstairs knowing Liam isn't up yet. I go to the kitchen and start cooking.

Its 5:30 and Liam wakes up. He runs downstairs, I knew he smelled the bacon I had made. He sits at the table with me. We eat like we use to with our mom. After we get done its. about 6:15. I take a shower, I blow dry my hair. I then pick up the new outfit that Liam had bought me. It was a plaid red and black skirt, a pretty red laced tank top. the long converse shoes and I curled my hair and put a red and black bandana in it. .

I run downstairs and I wait for him. Liam is driving me to school today.

As we pull up to the school I catch Harry in a plaid shirt, jean jacket, red bandana, black jeans and red converse. We matched again. I get out of the car and run to Harry. We hug tight and he kisses my lips. I turn red and giggle. The rest of the gang walks over. Louis has an arm around Caylynne. Zayn walks over with his new girlfriend Perrie.  Niall walks over with food, and Liam walks over with his new girlfriend Brooklynn. We were all okay again. Good thing Cay and I actually liked Perrie and Brooke.

We walk into the school together. We see the prom banner getting hung up. I was really excited. Harry pulls me aside. "Will you be my date to prom?" I squeal with excitement. He and I hold hands and catch up.

I see Taylor, Caylynne had heard the stuff she had did to me. So Cay walks up to Taylor. "Hey TayHORE, I swear if you ever pick on Nicole again I will personally stab you with a fork, punch you in the stomach, kick you in the teeth and shave your hair. Got it?". Taylor looks scared and says "Y...Y...Yes." Cay walks back over, "She won't be messing with you ever again". We laugh and keep walking.

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