The Nightmares Begin:

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Im Sitting in the car with my mom and we are singing to Cruise. Its a bright sunny day, and the birds are chirping. I look out the window and smile feeling the breeze in my hair.

Just then the sky turns dark, the clouds hides the sun. A car swerves in front of us bumping us back spinning around. We scream and it goes dark. I open my eyes and I'm upside down. I quickly look at my mom. I yell and scream. Nobody hears me. I start crying out for my mom. I see lights and hear sirens. I start yelling and crying. I see my mom holding on to me. I see a man. He's pulling my mom away from me. I'm yelling but nobody can hear me. I see them pulling another body from the car. I'm wondering who it is. I get a closer look and see ME! '

I then wake up yelling and screaming. I see Liam run in. He holds me and whispers to me saying its gonna be okay. I cry and whimper.

The next few weeks i begin having nightmares even more.

The next day i wake up to the alarm clock. I see my phone chime and it glows again. I ignore it. I pull on my black polka dot dress that my mom bought the day she had died. Its been a month and I still can't get over it.

I pull on Harry's hoodie and my converse shoes to match. I curl my hair and put on my makeup for the first time this week. I grab my phone and my school bag.

As I walk out the door I realize there were 2 people behind me. I turn around and see Harry and Caylynne. Harry hugs me and puts his arm around me. Caylynne swipes my face. I half smile. We walk to the stop together. Harry holding on to me tight and kisses my head soft. As the bus pulls up I softly sigh and get on.

I sit on the inside of the seat and I set my head on the window. I see Niall's head peek on the side of Harry. He gives me a gentle smile. I look at him and smile a little.

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