The Pain:

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  I wake up to the sound of someone taking and shaking me. I was very cold and my head hurt.

I looked up seeing a blurry figure talking to me. He was talking to someone else but I couldn't move very much. I felt dirty, I was in a puddle of mud. I moaned so he knew I was awake.

He looked like he was crying. I didn't realise who it was until my vision got cleared. I moaned in pain. "Harry?" I groan.

Harry hugs me and sniffles. "What happened?" he asks concerned. I blacked out again.

Next thing I knew I was in a big white room. I moaned in pain again. I felt eyes watching me. "What, Where am I?" I say confused and painfully. A voice says "Hi I'm Doctor Handler you can call me Jim." I moan and ask "Where's Harry!?" He chuckles and says "He's been in that chair for awhile" he points to Harry in a chair like a cat.

"You were found in a ditch, by this young man." he says to me looking at his clipboard. "Do you remember anything?" he says examining my foot. I shake my head no. He nods. "I..I remember getting hit in the head..that's...that's it." I say in pain. He nods and says "Your clothes were ripped and everything you had was stolen".

I begin crying. Harry wakes up and runs to me. "Was...Was i....was I raped?!" I sob. Harry holds me and rocks back and forth. "Well we took some test, and we won't know yet but you did have a few cuts and bruises started forming" says the Doctor. I cry harder.

"But you are free to go anytime you want" he says. I hear a voice screaming "WHERE IS SHE!? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!!!???" it was Liam. He stormed in and saw Harry and he started steaming.

"Get away from her!" Liam says to Harry.

I cried and cried. Harry brushed my hair behind my ears. He let go of my hand and then left the room.

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