The Fight:

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  Harry and I finale get to go home. I'm in the backseat with Harry. Louis is driving us and Liam is asleep in the passenger seat.

Harry and I decide to go out to this bar.

I go to my room and get changed. I pull on a pink sparkly tank top, a black skirt, whit knee socks and pink converse shoes.

I go downstairs and grab my phone. "Where are you going?" Liam ask he scares me. "Out with Harry" i say and head out. Harry is waiting for me in his car.

"Hey sweetie!" he says. I smile and get in. "What bar are we going to?" I ask. "North's Corner" he replies giving me a huge smile. I smile and soon we get there.

"Here we are" he says as he helps me out the car. "I'm so excited" I say and hug him. We go in its like a huge party.

I can tell Harry's had a few drinks. I drink a coke. This girl begins flirting with Harry. I get red with anger.

"Hey slut back off my man" I say pushing her. The girl walks away giving me a push. Soon I hear a voice. "I heard you've been flirting with my woman" a man says. I turn and see a tall man standing there looking at Harry. I could smell the beer on his breathe.

"Excuse me but your "woman" was all over me" harry yells and slurs. "What did you say!?" the big man slurs he gets red with anger.

"I said your slut was flirting with me!!" harry slurs again. All of a sudden I see the mans fist going towards Harry. A quick reflex I rush in front of Harry. Getting knocked out.

"Hey you okay?" I hear someone slur. I shake my head a realise I'm on the floor. "My face hurts" I say rubbing it. Harry lifts me up. "He got you good" he says examinating my eye.

I rush to the bathroom and see a big purple bruise on my eye. owch! I say to myself. "I wanna leave" I say grabbing Harry. He was to drunk to drive so I gave my keys to Jamison ( this boy I've known from elementary ) he wasn't drunk.

I call a cab and push Harry I'm it. A few minutes later we get home. It was about 2 am.

I didn't want Harry to go home cause his mom would kill him so I bring him into the house. Liam was asleep so I brought him into my room.

"where am I?" harry says. I lay him down. I pull off his shirt and pull the covers over him. I put on Harry's hoodie with leggings I then get in the covers and go to sleep.

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