The Perfect Night:

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We arrive at prom. Its so beautiful. Harry is walking me down the red carpet they had put out. "You look very beautiful" harry says to me. I look at him and kiss him.

We get into the prom and the band isn't here yet. But then all of the boys disappear onto the stage. "Hello, We're One direction" they all day together. Cay and I yell and go to the front of the room.

"This is for a very special girl" says Harry and they start to play last first kissI start to smile so big my mouth begins to hurt.

We danced all night. It was the perfect night. Then they were gonna announce prom queen and king.

"This years queen is........

CAYLYNNE!" says the Principal in excitement.  Caylynne looks shocked. She walks up and starts smiling. "Go Caylynne I love you" I yell. "The prom king is.....

LOUIS!" says the principal. Louis walks up there and grins at Caylynne. "We love you Louis" yells a bunch of girls. Louis kisses Cay and they go to the dance floor. I want comes on. Caylynne starts to smile. Harry takes my hand and pulls me close to him and we walk over to Cay and Lou.

"This is the perfect night" Cay and I say together. ♥

The New Boy:Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα