Forgive and Forget:

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I get home at around 10. Liam runs to me and says "Where have you been!?" I say "I walked from school then went to the graveyard." I run upstairs. He looks at me. I run to my room and slam the door.

I cry myself to sleep.

I wake up and I see its only 10:30. I get on my laptop and log on to Facebook. I see Harry posting pictures with Taylor. I un friend him. I see a post by Ashton saying....
"Bullying in the halls is not cool. Bullying is not cool no matter what. You need to stop ( You know who you are ) I'm tired of it. Anyone who bullies needs to be punished. The only reason you bully her is because you know she's better then you. Stop bullying her. She's been through enough.! ".

I knew exactly what he was talking about it. The post got 10,000 likes so far. I look through the likes and I see Harry's name. I break down in tears. I throw my laptop off my bed thank god it landed in my chair.

I pull my blankets over my head and I cry. My phone chimes, Harry's name popped up. I threw my phone and went to sleep.

I wake up to the ringing of my alarm. I slam on the snooze button. I get up, but on my dark night black skirt, a dark blood red tank top, Ashton's jacket, pulled long socks on with my black splattered with red converse shoes. I straighten my hair and put it in a pretty half up half down look.

I grab my phone off the floor and my book bag. and I head out the door. I put in my headphones. I stand away from others when I get to the bus stop. I see Harry walking with a sad face. He is wearing a plaid red button up shirt, ripped black skinny jeans, converse shoes and a bandana.

Niall walks up to him. I see they start arguing about something. Then I see Niall walking over to me. Niall hugs me and pulls my headphones out. He has his hands on my shoulders, saying "Are you okay? I'm sorry about the Harry thing". I yell at him to leave me alone. He looks scared and he starts to walk away.

The bus pulls up and I get on, sitting in the front. Harry walks to the back and sits down. I start crying. Then as we pull up to the school I get off. Taylor greets Harry, but he just walks away. I walk up to Ashton and gives him his jacket back. "Why give this back?" he asks. I just walk away. Harry and I walk past each other. I see a tear in his eyes.

Ashton walks up to Harry and starts yelling. Harry wasn't in the mood and I could tell. Aston begins to question him. Harry starts getting mad, he punches Ashton hard. "Leave me alone I'm not in the mood" harry yells. Ashton pushes him. They begin to fist fight.

I walk into the cafeteria. I see them fight. I rush over and pushes them apart. Ashton punches Harry in the nose really hard. "I' Nicole..." says Ashton as he tears up and runs away. Harry is on the floor bloody. I'm not good with blood I think.

I pick harry up and puts his arm on my shoulder and I carry him to the nurse. She wasn't there so I cleaned him up. As I begin rubbing the blood from his hand, he begins to say something. "I'm...I'm...sorry.. " he whispers softly pausing through every word. I look up from his hands. He looks up slowly.

I then realize that no matter what happened between Harry and I, I still cared for him. He was everything I cared about. I didn't wanna let him go because of Taylor Swift. He cared enough about me to fight Ashton. And to leave Taylor. I....I....I loved him.!

He then pulls my face towards his and he kisses me softly. I back away. " I thought you wanted me to kiss you". I look at him and whisper "I'm sorry" then I run away.

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