4 ~ Stay

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"w-what do you mean" you stuttered out. You were completely surprised by taehyungs words, but another part of you knew this day would come. They weren't from your world, it made sense one day they might have to go back. 

"taehyung what happened" yoongi asked and taehyung was on the brink of crying and so was jimin. Jungkook looked at the floor but managed to mumble out

"it's our parents. We just went to the flower park fountain to talk to them and they demanded we come back. they said that we spent enough time here" jungkook breathed out with a sad tone in his voice. 

You were devastated, just when you got used to having them around. You felt your heart hurt but you put on a bright smile.

"well, I guess we would have to say goodbye some day right" you spoke softly. Taehyung quickly clung to you for dear life. 

"NOOO" he whined while you chuckled and hugged him back lightly trying to put on a act. 

You were trying so hard to look strong, like you were okay. Like you weren't one goodbye away from having a break down. 

You had to be strong

"well when do you guys leave" you asked softly making sure your voice didn't crack and betray you

"tonight, our parents are furious jin" jungkook breathed out and jin expression was sorrowful. 

Your heart shattered again, tonight. 

It was too soon, you wanted to scream that it was too soon and that you weren't ready, that you weren't ready to let them go. 

But you held in the protest and simply smiled.

A fake smile plastered on your face. 

"don't be upset, we knew this day would come right. That you guys couldn't stay here forever. It's fine, we can just pack up some of your things and go to the flower park tonight"

You noticed taehyung and jimin were crying. As they were sobbing jin was trying to comfort them

"guys come on, we don't have a choice. Especially considering our parents demanded we come back as well, all of our parents that means including jungkooks" namjoon voice was filled with sadness while you stood there

"we are sorry to bring this up so suddenly y/n" yoongi spoke softly while you smiled again even though your heart felt like it was being crushed. 

"it's fine, you guys have to go home right"

Home, you thought that you would always be there home but in reality you were just tricking yourself. 

You remembered how happy you were when they said it, that you were their home. 

However they weren't from earth, they didn't belong. So deep down you knew this day would come but you hoped it wouldn't, you hoped it would never come.

You couldn't hold in your emotions anymore so you softly spoke

"well you guys should pack, we have a big day today" you laughed while forcing a smile again and you walked out of the room. You felt tears stream down your face as soon as you closed the door behind you. You cried softly and quickly decided to leave the apartment, you didn't want to risk one of the boys walking out of the room to see your current state.

So you got on a random pair of shoes and walked out of your apartment. 

You needed some air, you needed some time to breath. You walked down the city streets aimlessly thinking about what you were meant to do. You felt your heart constrict in pain thinking about living without the boys in your life.

You walked silently while wiping away your remaining tears and you looked up surprised to find that you somehow ended up back at the familiar flower park... where it all started, you smiled lightly thinking about how everything began in the first place. 

It all started with one of the worst days but in the end you met seven amazing people who made you smile everyday. But they would be leaving soon.

"come on y/n smile, it's alright, you knew this would happen one day" you spoke softly trying to make yourself stop crying. You felt embarrassed as some people walked by and gave you strange looks but you simply tried to hide your face. 

"at least you can finally have some peace and quit in your house right" you said softly again trying to cheer yourself up. Taehyung, jimin, and jungkook were always the clingiest. The three youngest of the group would always cling to you and prevent you from doing any work, they always complained about how you never payed attention to them. 

But as you thought about how the three youngest of the group would no longer be there to bother you the more you found yourself feeling upset, the more your heart hurt thinking about how quiet it would be in your small apartment.

"at least you could relax, come on" you said loudly angry at yourself for being so selfish because all you thought right now was...

I don't want them to go

You remembered the times when you would try to relax and of course an excited hoseok would drag you outside for walks. Or there was namjoon who would break something in the house and you spent your free time fixing it while namjoon apologized over and over beside you. Yoongi, the laziest person you had ever met, even lazier than you. He would constantly ask you to talk to him so he could fall asleep. Then there was jin, he would clean the house and you always felt bad so you ended up joining him each time. 

But the more you thought about it the more you appreciated everything. You enjoyed the small walks you and hoseok had. You enjoyed having random deep conversations with najoom while you fixed whatever he broke as he sat by your side. You secretly liked telling yoongi about the little things in your day while he fell asleep. You liked spending time with jin, cooking, cleaning, anything. 

The days when yugyeom were gone was the worst and you had to admit it was lonely without your roommate. But when you found namjoon, jungkook, yoongi, taehyung, jin, jimin, and hoseok you found yourself coming home to seven loud males. 

You would miss them. 

"who are you kidding y/n, you just want them to stay" you scolded yourself as your voice cracked slightly. 

You really wanted them to stay.

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