Meeting Monique

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My name is Monique. Monique Renée-Sierra Houston and I'm 23 years old. I'm 5'2 (funsized), with light caramel skin, I have jet black hair and dark brown eyes. I feel like I'm ugly, but I have my reasons on why I think that. Monique in MM

My mother died from an over dose on drugs when I was 16 years old. Does the name Witney Houston sound familiar? Yeah, that's my mother. Anyways, I was forced to live with my grandmother till I turned 18, which is when I could get all the money my mama left me.

When I first moved in with my grandma, she was also mourning the death of my mama and we would both walk around all depressed. When I turned 17, she got a new boyfriend and he moved in with us so I was left to be depressed by myself. I saw the lustful looks he gave me, but I tried my best to ignore them. My grandma had to work late some nights so she could provide for not only the both of us, but also her boyfriend cause he didn't have a job. One night, about a hour after she left for work, her boyfriend came into my room.


"Hey pretty face." He said with that creepy smile of his. I didn't say anything, I just stared at him waiting to see what he wanted. "You know when you walk around in clothes like that," He said, pointing to my cotton night gown that stopped a little past my knees. "Temptation is hella hard to fight." He said, coming closer to me. By then, I caught on to what was about to happen and fear took over my body.

"Get out." I said. He chuckled and closed and locked the door.

He held me down and raped me for hours, taking my innocence. He went so long that I lost count and he busted a nut into me. I cried, screamed, and kicked but he would punch me every time I moved or made a sound so I gave up. He left me covered in his sweat and my own blood and tears. I pulled my knees to my chest and cried my eyes out as I thought about the horrible things he did to me.

I took a scorching hot shower and scrubbed his musty scent off of me. I scrubbed in between my legs, trying to ignore the burning sensation I was feeling.

After I got out the shower and put on some clothes, I did some hard thinking. I went to the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife I could find. I went to my grandma's room, when he was asleep in the bed. I stood over him in tears with the knife in my hand. Before I could stop myself, I was stabbing him numerous times. I counted 37 times.

*End Of Flashback*

I ended up getting sentenced to 2 years in the juvenile detention center. It couldn't be counted as self defense cause he was sleep when I killed him. I only got 2 years cause he raped me. But that's not even the worst part. I got pregnant and ended up loosing it after one of the girls in prison raped me with a hot curling iron. The funny thing is, that's not the worst part either. The worst part is, I can't have kids.

I haven't heard from my grandma since my court date. I was expecting her to be there to pick me up when I was released, but she wasn't so I was left to care for myself with no job, no money and no place to stay.

But since I was an adult, I had to fill out some paper work and I inherited all my mama's money. I bought a house and a car. And even though I have a lot of money, I still got a job.

So now here I am, at 23 years old living in a big ass house by myself. Now do you see why I think I'm ugly? A lot of ugly things happened to me.

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I rolled out of bed to get ready for work at this local hair salon. I took a quick shower and put on some mom jeans, a stripped cotton knit top, and some new balances. I put on my glasses and I put my long jet black hair into a sloppy pony tail. I grabbed the keys to my silver chevy SUV and headed for the front door.

"Hey Mrs. Jenkins!" I yelled to my neighbor as she watered her garden.

"Hey sweetheart, you on your way to work?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am, have a good day." I said.

"You to baby." She said as I waved to her and pulled off in the direction of the hair salon.

I could tell today was going to be a long day cause it was crowded.

The one thing I'm actually good for, is doing hair. I love doing hair, but I never do anything to my own hair.

My first client was a girl who wanted some box braids. I know this is going to take a long time, so I plugged my lime green beats by dre up to my iPod. I opened up the pack of light brown weave and went to work.

8 Hours Later...

I'm finally done with these braids and they look so damn good! Everybody in the salon complimented her and I blushed every time they acknowledged my work. I was cleaning off my chair when the bells rung, indicating someone had walked in. I heard heels clicking towards me and then somebody tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up to see my long lost best friend, Sidney.

"Sidney?" I said. She nodded her head with her million dollar smile and gave me a bear hug. I gladly hugged her back with tears forming in my eyes.

Sidney was my best friend when I lived in Petersburg with my mama, but we lost touch when I moved to Compton with my grandma.

"Oh my gosh, it's so nice to see you! What you doing here girl?" I said, taking a good look at her. Sidney really grew up. She was now a couple of inches taller than me standing at about 5'6, with a slim figure, with long black faux locs in her hair, long chocolate legs and smooth milk chocolate skin. She was truly the definition of beauty and she could pass off as a model.

"I'm here visiting my mama for summer. I asked around town about you and everybody told me you worked here, so I had to come see my chicka!" She said.

"Where you staying?" I asked her.

"A hotel. My mama's house is filled with my brothers and sisters so ain't no room for me there." She said.

"I'm not about to let you stay at a hotel! You can stay with me as long as you want, I have plenty of room for you." I said.

"You sure Mo? I don't wanna be in your way.." She said.

"Its fine Sidney, I know for a fact you won't be in my way." I said with a reassuring smile.

"Okay, if you insist. I'm going to go get a few things while you finish up your work, then I'll come back here when I'm finished. Okay?" She said.

"Alright, see you later." I said, as she gave me another tight hug before walking out the salon.

I finished up the rest of my clients and waited for Sidney to come back. When she came back, I let her follow me in her car to my house. She was amazed at the size and she complimened me on my taste of decorations. I let her pick which guest room she wanted to stay in, since there was so many. We decided we would talk and catch up in the morning, since its late and we both were really tired.

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