Chapter 12: Tiger

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Hey everybody, it's your friendly neighborhood Author Man!

I'd like to thank all of you for helping me get to 15k followers. It's so cool to know that there's that many of you who like my stories.

See ya in another life Brotha!

*Third Person POV*

Y/n and Kohaku paced in a slow circle around each other, as they circled the Throne Room. They stared at each other, each one sizing up their opponent. Y/n noticed that he was walking past one of his guards, and grabbed took the halberd he was wielding.

Y/n tapped the bottom of the halberd against the ground, his hand glowing red, causing flames to burst out and swirl around the wooden handle. Y/n swung the head of the halberd towards Kohaku, who swiped  with a blade of wind and broke through the attack.

Kohaku came charged towards him, lunging on all four feet. As she jumped towards Y/n, he used the halberd, combined with wind magic, to launch himself upwards and over her.

When he came back down, he was quick on his feet. He turned around and began to use nature magic, his hand glowing green, to bring a root of a nearby tree through the ground and wrapped around Kohaku's paw.

Kohaku began to fight against the grip of the root, somehow unable to break it.

She let out a terrifying roar, one that shook the foundation of the castle and caused the window to rattle. A surge of lightning shot out of her body, flying towards Y/n at high speeds. Y/n used his own lightning magic to cause his hands to spark with electricity while glowing yellow, and grabbed the lightning bolt out of the air.

However, his magic was not strong enough to protect himself completely. So he quickly turned it back around and threw it towards the white tiger, striking her massive paw. Her knee buckled and she fell forward, only being held upwards by her hind legs and restricted front leg.

Two vines shot out of the walls and wrapped themselves around her neck, holding her head up.

Y/n ran at her, holding the halberd as if ready to swing. He leapt into the air and swung it vertically, bringing it down on the ground a few feet away. His hands were glowing white, and a blade of air magic shot out and sliced its way towards Kohaku.

Kohaku, straining her muscles, pulled one of the vines in the way of the magic blade. The vine fell to the ground uselessly, as she reached up and tore the other vine with her fangs.

"Enough fool!" She roared, "You're a decent magic user, I'll grant you that. But a king must lead his men with sword and shield. A wizard king would disgrace this great kingdom! So I must put you down!"

"Wizard king?" Y/n repeated, "The Wizard King? I like that. Fine then, if I am to be a disgrace to you and this kingdom, show me how a king is supposed to lead his men!"

The two opponents charged at each other, Kohaku lunging at the last moment. However, Y/n was the more strategic of the two, and threw the handle of the halberd in her mouth as he slid underneath her stomach.

Kohaku managed to catch it and snapped it in half, as she landed back on the tiled floor. She turned to see that Y/n was standing tall, a confident grin on his face.

"What're you so confident about, Wizard King?"

"I've already won," Y/n said, his grin growing larger, "You walked right into my trap."

A root shot out of the ground, wrapping around her midsection thrice then shooting back down into the ground. More vines came launching from the walls, wrapping around all her legs and keeping her from moving completely.

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