Chapter 1: News

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*Y/n POV*

I ran past the town gates, waving to the guard that was stationed there.

"Hey Gor!"

"Hello Y/n!" He called back,  "Late again?"

"You know me so well!" I yelled, "Bye!"

"Be good Y/n!"

I ran past a few cottages, waving at farmers who were working in the fields. They waved back, and I called out.

"How's the fields!?"

"Good as always!" They called back.

I kept running, ducking and sliding under a horse wagon. The riders waved at me, and I waved back. I kept running, until I saw someone in my path.

"Look out!" I called, but it was too late.

I slammed into whoever it was, and we were sent toppling over each other. We landed in the dirt a bit away, and I heard whoever it was speak.

"What have I told you about paying attention Y/n?"

"Sorry Camie," I said, "But... why are you upside down? And why are there four of you?"

"Here, let me help you up."

She reached out a hand, and pulled me to my feet. I shook my head to clear my vision, and looked back at Camie.

 I shook my head to clear my vision, and looked back at Camie

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That's my best friend Camie. She's been my best friend since as long as I can remember, and we did a lot of our childhood shenanigans together. She's an animagus, a half-human half-animal, and works in the farms. While elsewhere she'd face discrimination for her animal parts, here in the village her family was well respected for their success in farming.

"Thanks Camie," I said, "How's the farm?"

"Just wonderful, thanks for asking," She said, "How's that strange machine of yours?"

"It's called a Threshing Machine," I said, "And when I'm done we can shorten the time it takes to thresh wheat from months to mere days!"

She giggled, "That sounds wonderful. Just remember, my father is always willing to let you test your machines on our farms."

"I got it," I said, "Oh crap, I'm going to be late!"

I grabbed Lord Cluck in my arms, lifting him above my head.

"Se you later Camie!" I called.

"Bye Y/n!"

I continued my flat-out sprint out of town, deep into the forest. When I reached my destination, I saw the farm, where the Doctor and I build our machines and keep the livestock, the house, where the Doctor lived, and the field, where a few easy crops were taken care of. Neither the Doctor or I are farmers, and only plant the few seeds we get as presents from Camie's father. There was also the shed, where my machines were kept.

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