Chapter 10: Job Offer

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*Y/n POV*

"So..." The elf girl said, standing in front of me, "What did you want to speak about?"

"W-well," I said, trying to calm my blushing face, "I-I wanted to see if you were okay after all that. I would also like to apologize for the... lax security that allowed that to happen."

"I'm fine," She said, rubbing her arm where the man had grabbed her, "It's not like you could've changed the situation, things like this have been happening for decades. Since before the last king, may he rest in peace, even."

"Well, not anymore," I replied, tapping my fingers on my desk, "I'll be making a few changes around here. And I'd like to start by offering an opportunity."

"What kind of opportunity?" She asked.

"A job offer, if you will," I explained, "If you accept, you'll be working here in the castle as one of my personal maids. This means that will not only be responsible for assisting me in the castle, but also with protecting me should the Royal Guard be unable."

"Protecting you?" She repeated, "Isn't that someone else's responsibility?"

"Yes, the Royal Guard is my first line of defense," I explained, "But they're far too noticeable to protect me from all manners of assassins. That's where the maids come in."

I kicked my feet up on the desk and leaned back, my hands connected over my stomach.

"There is a select groups of maids in this castle who are proficient in magic, many of them coming from the same tribe as my mother," I expanded, "You've met one of them already."

"The maid from the bath!"

"Yep, she's my head maid. Mademoiselle Ellie, one of my father's most trusted servants. She also happens to be well-versed in fire and electric magics," I said, "That's where you come in."

"What makes you think I'd be good for this job?"

"I know how elves work," I said, "I know that you have magic yourself. That's why I would like you to join them."

I put my feet back down and looked to her.

"The choice is yours."

After a few seconds of silence, she looked me in the eyes and said.

"I guess it isn't much of a choice," She replied, "I'd be happy to join you, your highness."

I leaned over and held out a hand, which she shook. As we backed away, I leaned back in my chair and looked back at her.

"I wonder, why did you leave your tribe?"

"Umm," She looked away, "Apologies, but that's none of your business."

"You're correct," I said, waving my hands, "If you want to keep it a secret, I won't push. If you'd like to go outside, Verill will lead you to your quarters. Thank you for your time."

"The same to you, your highness."

She left the room and I slumped over in my chair, dropping the kingly facade.

Letting out a sigh, I closed my eyes and looked out the window.

"Starting tomorrow, Regulus," I said to no one, "There's going to be some big changes."

*??? POV*

I opened my eyes slowly, hearing the stomping of feet above me. I hated it when they brought large crowds into the castle, cause it causes this infernal racket.

"Grr," I growled, "What is going on up there? There hasn't been this much of a racket since... he died."

I then heard the door open, and saw the maid that came in every day to drop off my food. As she came closer to give me my food, I stopped her.

"What is happening?" I asked, "It's quite loud down here and I'd like them to shut up."

"It's the coronation," She replied, "They've crowned the new king of Regulus today."

"The new king of Regulus?"I questioned, "There is only one rightful king, and he hasn't been seen in years. Who is this imposter?"

"No, you're mis-"

"Never mind, I'll go see for myself."

I slowly stood up on all fours, my massive paws pounding on the stone floor below me. I turned to the door and began walking out, headed for the massive throne room.

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