Chapter 31: Arminta

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Hey everybody, it's your friendly neighborhood Author Man!

Huh... um... yeah.

It's been five months. I'm sorry.

See ya in another life Brotha!




*Third Person POV*

The air in the study was thick and stuffy, suffocating to the three inhabitants of the room. Even Ellie, who had no idea who the princess was or why it was important, felt the atmosphere shift between the two men.

The Doctor cleared his throat, his hand reaching for the flask at his hip to clear his throat. His normal arm twitched lightly, and his face seemed to age twenty years in a moment.


"Who is she?" Y/n said in a straightforward manner, "I need to know who she is."


The Doctor gulped again, seeming to struggle with the words. His skin was dry and cracked, and Ellie could see that he was struggling with something.

"Y/n..." Ellie said in a worried tone, "Y/n, he's not well."

"He can last," Y/n said, his tone almost cruel, "I need an answer."

The Doctor took another gulp, looking up into Y/n's eyes and seeing anger.

"Y/n, stop this!" Ellie demanded, "This isn't right!"

"No dear, stop," The Doctor said, "He's right. He deserves an explanation."

The Doctor cleared his throat and sat up straight, and Ellie, who was standing next to Y/n's chair, noticed that Y/n's hand had wrapped around hers and as gripping tightly. She felt her face heat up as she smiled to herself.

" Princess Arminta did live here at the castle," The Doctor began, "I only met her once, when she was a young girl..."


*Doctor POV*

I stepped up to cracked stone steps to the palace doors. The Regulus Union had only gotten more beautiful the longer I was away, F/n had truly managed to foster a beautiful empire.

As I reached the massive oak doors of the palace, they slid open in response. I walked through and into the Throne Room, where I could see the newly-crowned Emperor F/n L/n, standing with the captain of the guard De'Volt.

"Franklin! F/n!"


We greeted each other with hugs and handshakes, and despite our ages we reverted into being young men yet again, jabbing and chuckling along to old jokes. The only one of us who seemed to be different from my memory was F/n, it appeared that the loss of his wife and the removal of his child seemed to be affecting him worse than he let on.

He had clearly aged in appearance as well. His eyes were sunken and bags grew underneath. His hair, despite looking regal, was frayed and messy. His clothes were loose and wrinkled.

"Franklin," F/n said, "Do you mind if I have a moment with the Doctor?"

"Of course, I should be checking up on the guard rotations anyway."

Franklin marched off, and F/n put an arm around my shoulders to lead me down a hall.

"William," F/n addressed, using my real name, "I'm afraid that I must admit something to you. Something that has me ashamed."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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