Chapter 8: Confrontation

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*Third Person POV*

The crowd parted way, as Y/n walked through. Standing to the side, the citizens watched in awe as their new king walked through them. Trying to display confidence, Y/n was having a minor heart attack as he saw the scene in front of him.

A young lady with blonde hair and long, pointed ears laid on the ground, bruises and cuts on her arms and face. Her clothes were no more than rags and she was no older than Y/n, if not younger. Two older men stood in between her and Y/n, looking at him with innocent smiles.

"Oh, don't worry yourself, your highness." One answered.

"Yeah, we're just handling the trash and keeping your courtyard clean." The other snickered.

"Oh, is that what you're doing?" Y/n asked sarcastically, "Because to me, it looks like you're committing assault on this beautiful young lady here."

The two men went completely silent, as Y/n walked closer and looked to the crowd around them.

"Can any of you back up these men's claims?" He asked, "Or should I have you all arrested for not stopping them?"

Murmurs and calls of no's and agreements came from the crowd. By this point, the guards had begun to notice, and were making their way over to the commotion.

"Why you little..." One of the men said, pulling out a short dagger, "Think you're tough shit just cause you're king, huh?"

The man charged forward, attempting to stab Y/n. A root shot out of the ground and wrapped around his leg, tripping him up and sending him sprawling on the grass. He slowly stood up and stood back by his partner, looking at Y/n, whose hand was glowing with a green light.

"You're just like this piece of trash here," He growled, "A worthless, sub-human piece of magic crap!"

The other man put a hand on his partner's arm, holding him back, "What the hell you think you're doing?! We're surrounded by guards!"

"Right you are," Y/n pointed at the men, "Guards, seize them!"

The guards ran out from the crowd, brandishing spears, swords, and halberds. Pointing their weapons at the men, it was easy to apprehend and cuff the men.

"What do you want us to do with them, sire?" The highest ranked guard asked.

"Show them to the dungeons," Y/n replied, "They shall await trial there. I expect the executioners will have even less mercy than I have this afternoon."

The men were dragged back into the castle, leaving a few guards behind with the new king. Pointing at the young girl, Y/n began to speak to the guards.

"Show her to the guest quarters," He ordered, "Make sure she is fed, washed, and her wounds are treated. I shall speak to her shortly."

"Yes, sire."

The guards led the young lady into the castle, passing by Y/n as they walked. As she passed, her arms huddled closely to her body and crouched over, the young lady spoke quietly.

"Thank you, your highness."

"No thanks necessary," He replied, "Please, make yourself comfortable while you wait."

Turning and walking away, Y/n met Captain De'volt at the entrance to the clock tower, who opened the door and let them both in.

"Not an hour since your coronation and you're already becoming a leader," De'volt commented, "Your father would be proud."

"Thank you, De'volt," Y/n replied, "I hope I figure this whole king thing out soon."

As he watched Y/n walk the stairs up to the clock platform, De'volt shook his head.

"He's gonna do great, I just know it," He mused, "You knew he would, didn't you F/n? Zeal, he's so much like you it's scary."

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