Chapter 49) Blizzard Camping

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Sleeping in had been nice but now Akari was on her way back to the Oinosu. She'd considered teleporting but she'd rather travel by foot when the opportunity presented itself. The feel of snow falling lightly against her upturned face made her smile, completely at ease. Just past the border of the Land of Demons she met trouble - a group of fifteen men. Judging by their rippling muscles and the look of obvious excitement on their faces Akari would hazard a guess that they were not new to this game nor were they helpless. One of them whistled appreciatively as she continued walking towards them, the others drawing weapons.

"Hellooo there sexy." He crooned, clearly thinking himself to be hot shit. Akari smirked a little; this was going to be fun. Finally a few steps from the men she stopped. She'd been well behaved since the war's end but her always thin tolerance for men like this was wearing even thinner.

"Mind moving aside? I have shit to do."

"Ooh," A different man commented. "This one's got an attitude and a dirty mouth."

"Good. It makes it more fun." A third one commented. "And she's already dressed to play."

"Normally I'd give you a warning, say that you shouldn't do this and that you'll regret it if you do, but since it seems like this is a regular thing for you I won't bother." She dropped her bag unceremoniously onto the ground.

"Hahaha, this fucking bitch. We're from the Land of Demons baby, you ever been with a demon before?"

Akari grinned wickedly, enjoying the anticipation.

"Why yes I have, and they're particularly fun to mutilate. Let's see what you've got." A few of the men were starting to look nervous and hung back but eleven of them charged her. With a wild laugh Akari drew her sword and shot lightning through it, her right hand making the signs and creating a mist simultaneously.. The air crackled with electricity and the men began panicking once they couldn't see. Akari, using her sage mode, knew exactly where each one was. Easily she picked them off slowly, allowing their tortured screams to fill the air and terrify the others. When she'd finished with the eleven she undid her mist jutsu, revealing the four hesitant ones. They were standing with their backs together in order to protect each other but she hadn't bothered with them during the fight. These four seemed different and so she didn't kill them right away.

"W-w-w-who are you?" One of them stuttered.

"I am Akari Namikaze, an Akatsuki member and former leader of the Hidden Rain." She said confidently, smirking at the four. "The better question is, who the fuck are you?"

"W-we're no ones. We just joined this gang 'cause they said they'd kill us if we didn't, but we haven't hurt anyone, h-honest." The other three were all nodding frantically. Judging by their headbands they were from the Land of Stones.

"Never threaten a traveler again, do I make myself clear?" They looked like bobble heads as they quickly agreed. "Fine. I won't kill you today. Take whatever you want from these dead scumbags and get away from this area; you don't belong in the land of Demons."

"Y-y-yes ma'am." their spokesninja stuttered. Quickly they took money and weapons and hurried away, leaving her with a sizeable amount of cash as well. Pocketing it she picked up her bag (with all her possessions stored in scrolls) and continued on to the visible forest in a very good mood.  


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