Chapter 16) Deal With It.

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Nearly a year had passed and for the most part Akari enjoyed being a member of the Akatsuki. Sure they were no nonsense antisocial psychopaths most of the time, but she enjoyed hanging out with them. Most of the time. October 9th. Akari had just returned from the Land of Metal. The trip had been long - she'd been gone for more than a month gathering intel and just wanted to lay down. The farther she needed to teleport the more chakra it took. Thanks to multiple run ins with assholes on the road her chakra was lower than usual and so she had walked almost the entire way. Finally when only a half a day away she'd teleported to the seal just outside of the base and stumbled into her room.

As soon as she woke up the date hit her. October 10th. It was difficult. It always was. Getting up she showered, changed into an Akatsuki dress that Kakuzu had made for her (because it was less expensive than buying one) and went into the living room. The base was completely empty. Silent. Akari was apparently the only one home.

In the kitchen she poured herself a bowl of cereal and a glass of whiskey. Setting both on the coffee table she flopped onto the couch and turned on the tv. Chick flick time. Selecting one of her favorites she propped herself up and shoveled in the cereal. Finishing the food she moved to the whiskey, reasoning that since she'd slept till the afternoon it was alright. Besides, hell, she was an s-rank criminal and therefore decided that she could do whatever she wanted. She drank and drank, putting in another movie after the first and grabbing a bag of chips to munch on as well. By the middle of the second movie she was fighting sniffles - it was just so Sad! A door creaked and she glanced up.

"Brat, do you have to be so loud? Some of us are trying to work."

"Gofuckyerself." She slurred, annoyed at the knowledge that her eyes had tears in them and that he'd surely notice. Sasori's usually expressionless face was surprised.

"Just keep the television volume down."

"Stupid brat. I'm god's giftter man. Blahblahblah. Fuckinasshole." Akari mumbled in an impersonation of his voice to herself as she pressed the button on the remote that lowered the volume. Sasori shook his head and glared at her but left her be.

The credits were rolling and Akari was downing another glass. Mom, dad.. I'm so sorry that I failed. You shouldn't have died - it was all my fault. I should have been able to help more against Kurama. I should have been able to save you. If I hadn't passed out... No. No. It was Naruto's fault. No. He was just a baby. It was your fault. Both of yours. Fucking idiot parents. Why didn't you use sage mode dad? What was the point of spending all that time with those stupid toads if you weren't gonna use sage mode? You didn't both need to die but you chose to for him! Why stay for your daughter after all? Not like I might have needed you still. But nooo, just die for Naruto and leave me to take care of him, me to protect the village and ensure a peace treaty. This wasn't supposed to be my job. Haru's face swam in her mind as she thought of the things she'd lost and that she could never have back. Naruto, Kakashi, Kenji, Anko, Kurenai - the list went on. I still needed you. Assholes.

"She really is moping. How unusual." An incredulous voice intruded into her dark thoughts as something wrapped firmly around her wrists. Instantaneously Akari's body began to shake. Her heart rate climbed and her breathing sped up. Mentally she was suddenly tied up in that room. That room with the high window, but this time she had chakra.

"NO!" She yelled frantically, shooting an electrical current through her body. The grip around her lessened and she rolled off the couch in what she thought would be a graceful escape but ended up just crashing into the coffee table. Pushing herself up to her feet she prepared to face her attackers.

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