Chapter 42) Reunions part 1

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Kakashi, lost in thought, continued to clean. He'd disposed of rotting food from the fridge, thrown away empty boxes, and taken out the trash. Now came dishes. Dishes upon dishes that seemed at first to have no end in sight. This deduction was, however, untrue and Kakashi found himself nearly at the end of washing when a door off the living room opened. He looked up, able to see the room from the kitchen as a red haired girl tossed a black cloak with red clouds over the back of the couch. Something about her looked off - the tilt of her eyes perhaps? She looked tired despite only having small light bags under her eyes. Those eyes were looking straight back at him, calculating and cold. 

 She strode through the living room and entered the kitchen, glancing around as if not expecting him to be alone. She went right past him, grabbed a cereal box and a now clean bowl, and poured herself a small amount. She then took out the milk (which hadn't quite reached its expiration date) and began eating at the table. The tension in her face, her neck, her arms and back were all highly noticeable. When she finished she placed the dirty dishes in the soapy water and returned back to the living room, sinking into the couch and closing her eyes.  Despite having walked right next to him to put the dishes in the sink she hadn't once looked at him.  Putting down the sponge and turning off the water Kakashi went to join her, sitting on the loveseat and looking at her, not sure how to begin. At least with Obito they'd been fighting. How is one supposed to talk to someone you recently believed dead when they don't look as though they want you there?

"Akari." Her eyes opened, looking at him, still cold. "Akari what the hell?" He asked softly. She didn't smile at all in response or look embarrassed in any way.

"The door down here was unlocked."


"No one ever tries the main door because they assume it's the most heavily guarded. Did you enjoy your search of my home?" She knows of course, but how long has she known for? She answered, as if able to read his mind. "Ryuu informed me as soon as you came out of your tunnel. There is not much that gets past him and his rain."

"Akari, we need to talk." She wasn't looking at him, instead glaring at the window into the kitchen. Glancing over Kakashi saw nothing. With what appeared to be a great amount of effort Akari looked at him, her eyes focusing.

"Where is Naruto?"

"I wanted to speak with you alone first."

"And you really thought that I'd want to speak with you?" Her words cut deeply, anger flickering in her eyes. "I am the leader of the Hidden Rain and had to reschedule an important meeting simply because Leaf shinobi couldn't mind their own business-" She cut herself off, glaring at him and taking a deep breath.

"I'm going to be the next Hokage, Akari. There is much to talk about. Naruto went to the hospital with the others but I need to discuss an urgent matter with you. I have a document for you from the five great nations."

"I don't want to talk with you Kakashi." She spat out, her now furious eyes showing no sign of backing down. To his surprise the next words came out in a deathly quiet voice full of anger and sorrow. "The time for talking has long since passed. I needed you. I needed you and all of the Leaf and you were not there for me, and then I find out that you weren't even there for Naruto- I don't give a damn about the five great nations or their letter. Fucking take your wounded and get out." 

 Kakashi was shocked by her words, reminded of that dream again, and seeing moisture in her eyes he leaned towards her but she vanished. The flying raijin. Kakashi rose and took to the stairs. Arriving at her level he paused outside of her closed door as he heard the sobs. Sliding to the floor he leaned against the wall and put his head in his hands, not sure what to do. She really did need me. I didn't think she would, but I was wrong. I should have gone after her - brought her home. How do I explain that I couldn't take care of Naruto because he just reminded me of Minato Kushina and her? It was too much after losing them all.  Twelve minutes later the sobs subsided abruptly. Opening the door carefully he scanned the empty room. She'd gone.

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