Chapter 3) Unforeseen Challenges

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Once out of the hospital sensei thought they should take a new team picture, so that's what they did. Unlike Minato, Shikaku didn't have preferences on how she did her hair which she appreciated. Sensei had gotten lucky - the blades had missed his eye. Sensei was the only one with scars from the fight. Both teammates had managed to escape with no major injuries and Akari's wounds hadn't been so deep that they couldn't be healed well, although it would take a little while for the scar on her side to completely vanish - they'd found a new salve that worked well. She'd been kept for two weeks in the hospital and spent much of that time with sensei playing shogi. She didn't manage to win a single game. Of course her teammates and friends had visited often when she was in her room as had her parents. Even Kakashi had looked in on her, although he made sure she knew that it was only because her father was his sensei.

Missions continued, but none as intense as that one. Since the narrow escape Akari had placed a teleportation sign on Shikaku's shoulder - she would always be able to get back to him now. However, missions weren't Akari's main worry these days. Currently she was hiding. It was unwise to stay in one spot long, not when they could find her at any minute. Stupid insects made hiding outside difficult. Hearing a footstep she crouched lower behind the dumpster. The footsteps receding she took off again, sprinting to a new part of town. Silently slipping through a doorway and closing the door behind her she found herself in a used bookstore that she'd never noticed before. The dust particles floated through the beams of light streaming in through the tall windows. Looking up through the dust particles and the tall stacks of books she grinned. This is perfect. No one was at the counter so she explored; walking through the many shelved isles Akari breathed in the smell of old books. Up a spiral staircase to a second story she found a large windowsill where she sat, relaxing for the first time in days.  

"Akari?" She'd had peace for only forty minutes. Eyes flying open Akari fell off the windowsill. Looking up it was to find Kakashi looking at her curiously. "What are you doing here? It isn't exactly a great part of town."


He was looking down disapprovingly at her and she hurried to her feet, not wanting him to tower over her quite so much.

"I'm hiding." She blurted out.

"Hiding from who?"

"My teammates." She was looking at her feet, embarrassed as she said it. "They're driving me crazy."

"What about?" He asked curiously, leaning against the wall.

"Why are you here anyways?"

"Just answer the question." She glared, not liking someone who wasn't her superior telling her what to do.

"Fine. They're both trying to ask me to Mom and Dad's wedding." I don't know why they decided to get married anyways - it isn't as if them being together is a secret. She blushed. A second later he laughed. "What's so funny?"

"I'm here for a similar reason." Casually he walked over to one of the nearby bookshelves. They were in a fiction adventure section and he pulled down a book. "Girl's are idiots when it comes to this stuff."

"Thanks sooo much. At least you're used to it."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kakashi asked, not looking up from the book.

"Don't act stupid." She rolled her eyes. "Girls are always all over you."

"Hmm.. You'll get used to avoiding people soon enough."


She was looking out the window when Kakashi came over, clearly smirking a little under the mask and looked out the window too. He glanced sideways at her.

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