Chapter 46) Leaf Life

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"Holy shit, what a drag." Shikamaru complained. He glanced around. They all looked as though they'd aged years since the process began, Ino showing the most strain. Her face seemed lined and her body shook as Tsunade continued to replenish her chakra. Well, they'd been there for 15 hours - all things considered she'd done well. Ibiki looked furious.

"That damn girl doesn't need a hand sign to teleport?!"

"It's no big deal." Shikamaru shrugged. "If that's the case it means she could have escaped before your trap took effect. I don't think she'll go far."

"You'd better be right." Tsunade snapped from her spot next to Ino. Then, in a more serious concerned tone she asked, "What are we going to do now?"

"She requested her jugular to be cut."

"We shouldn't kill her!" Ino protested from the floor. "I know it's not up to me, but if that'd happened to me I'd be Really mad! How can you even talk about killing her after that?"

"So your opinion is that she deserves to get away with personally killing hundreds of people and contributing to starting a war in which thousands died just because she had some bad moments in life?" Ibiki snapped. "Don't forget, she willingly worked for the Akatsuki and had a good time doing it." He was referring to the fact that she'd slept with Konan (it'd been the only major event of that sort that registered as important enough in the skipping between memories.)

"What do you think you're saying, you SAW what happened!" Ino shouted, sitting up suddenly and glaring at Ibiki in a way that made Shikamaru shrink away from her. "If that'd happened to me and I had the sort of abilities that she does-"

"She was scouted accepted and welcomed by the Akatsuki when she didn't have anywhere else to go." Tsunade cut in. "She shouldn't be sentenced to death but we will have to decide what to do with her. It is my opinion that she should be closely monitored for the time being."

"Hmph. As if anyone would be able to keep track of her without a chakra seal. It's such a drag."

"Shikamaru! How can you even think about that- jeeze you're so insensitive!"

"Well, if she hasn't left yet we'll just have to trust that she'll stay." Tsunade stated as if it was a fact.

"But who's going to have to babysit her? We don't have shinobi to spare. Anko?"

"No. She and Akari were close growing up. It'll have to be a skilled tracker in case she runs off." It took a while for the group to agree on a shinobi.


The moon and stars were still shining brightly when Akari's mind woke up. Still not more than three hours of sleep but at least she'd had good dreams for once. As she sat up she frowned at the blanket that fell off of her. She hadn't put that there, so who had? Her guess was Naruto. A figure was sitting against a tree just a little ways away and as she stood, prepared to leave for somewhere else, the figure stirred. It was a guy but more about him was impossible to deduce as his face was nearly completely obscured by a hood, goggles, and an upturned jacket collar.

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