Chapter 27) Hot Spring Surprises

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Aah, finally. Akari sank into the hot water and groaned. Nothing beats a hot spring in January... such a contrast in temperatures. She was still sore from her fight with the jinchūriki along with the frequent sparring she did with the other members. She'd never given herself a chance to fully heal. Feeling her face she smiled. Tobi had managed to cut her the last time they'd sparred. Almost healed. It's been more than a week, how is it taking so damn long? I should ask Sasori for some more salve... but this'll do for now. With the steam rising to caress her face she added chakra, sending it to her remaining injuries and scars. It took a ridiculous amount of concentration as she'd never excelled at medical ninjutsu and was glad that she was alone in this particular pool. She'd passed others on her way, but in this last semi small pool set furthest back there was only her. Concentrate. Send chakra to the areas. Knit the muscles and tissues back together. Heal the bruises. Smooth it all over. Akari's arm twitched and she inwardly cursed the nearby ninja, whoever it was. That chakra... it's familiar but doesn't make sense... bright red, gold, and.. A light blue? Normally I don't get any sense of who the shinobi is.. Only with people I've had years of exposure to and even then it isn't usual. No this doesn't make any sense at all - they couldn't be here.

"OOH, HotHotHOT!!!!" A loud voice and a wave of hot water disrupted her focus so she opened her eyes to glare at the intruder.. And froze. She knew his face; a perfect mix between the two faces she missed most. Suddenly the feeling of familiar chakra made sense. Dad and mom must have sealed some of their own chakra within him - that's why it's familiar. It's the only way they'd be able to be here. Why didn't I feel them when he was a baby? Was it just because he was so little? Well, I didn't even feel his chakra back then. Must be a baby thing. Then again, I could barely sense at all back then. How'd I recognize his though? She'd seen him just over five months ago at the chunin exams but she'd never in a million years thought that they'd come within close enough proximity to each other for her to remember his chakra. Maybe he passed by while I was eating sushi? Since leaving the Leaf she never dreamed that she'd somehow get to speak with him and now, given the opportunity, she wasn't sure what to say. So much had happened since then - not least that she'd personally hunted and extracted tailed beasts.

"Do you mind?" She snapped.

"Ooh, Sorry Lady!"  He shouted, moving deeper into the water

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"Ooh, Sorry Lady!" He shouted, moving deeper into the water. "Hehe. I didn't mean to bother you." Well that's a fucking lie, making such a commotion. Looking at him she noticed his blush and the way he was looking at her and she turned away, wrapping a towel around herself and sticking her upper body out of the steam so as to clear her head. She had no idea how she was supposed to react to this. This Cannot be a normal situation.. My little brother is a perv and doesn't know we're related. At least it was too misty for him to see anything... Oh Jashin, I don't know how to handle this. I am NOT grown up enough for this. Taking a few deep breaths she turned around and reached for her bottle of sake. Yes, this is the way to do it.

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