Chapter 43

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Me and Ava have been trying to get ahold of Marshall for the past hour, my contractions were getting worse but still tolerable and I knew the guidelines for going to the hospital and I was nowhere near there yet, my contractions had to be about 10 minutes apart to be admitted to the hospital.

Ava called Debbie and she is on her way over, I really hope she puts all that bullshit from earlier to the side especially for this. Debbie gets to the house and comes upstairs to the bedroom where Ava and I are, she tries to help me stay as comfortable as I can.

"Have you gotten ahold of your dad yet?" Debbie asked Ava

"No, I've been trying for like a hour."

"What about Paul?" Deb asked

"Tried him too." Ava sighed. I saw the look on Debbie's face she didn't really know what to say or do about it at this point,

"Well let's just keep trying until we get ahold of one of them." Deb said, so they both got on their phones and one called one of them while the other called the other then they flip flopped, it took about another 30 minutes before,

"Yeah?" Paul answered.

"Paul my mom's in labor!" Ava yelled to Paul.

"Oh shit, alright he's out on stage rate now, right after he's done with this song I'll get the word to him." Paul informed us.

"Thank you!" Ava said before hanging up she sighed in relief.

"Well I got ahold of Paul, he's going to tell dad after this song." Ava told us. I felt a sense of relieve, I took a deep breathe and smirked. Ava went out of the room and I heard her walk down the stairs.

" I know you wanted me to tell him about what happened today but I just want to get through this without any drama or hassle. I just want to be able to have him enjoy these moments at home and with our son, but I'll talk to him and tell him what happened when the time is right. I promise." I told Debbie, she didn't look happy but she didn't look pissed off either so I guess it's going to be a roll of the dice tonight. I heard my phone ring, I answer it before I could say anything...

"Baby are you ok?" Marshall asked anxiously he sounded like he is rushing around.

"Yeah honey I'm fine, I'm having contractions so we're just getting everything ready just in case." I informed him

"Ok well I'm just leaving the venue rate now alright, I'm runnin' ta the hotel ta grab a bag nd shit n' I'm heading ta the airport okay?" Marshall told me

"Ok babe, did you have to cut the concert short?" I asked.

"By two songs, but oh well Paul is handling everything else for me so I can worry about being there with you. I'll call you when I get ta the airport n let ya know what's goin' on."

"Okay baby I love you!" I said

"Love ya too, don't you dare have that baby until I get there." Marshall told me I could tell he was smiling.

"I'll try not too, I love you call me in a while." We both hung up the phone, I got up and started pacing around our room.

After about 15 minutes I head downstairs Ava and Debbie are just anxiously waiting around until I tell them I'm ready to head to the hospital they've been keeping track of my contractions when I get a call from Marshall,

"Hey babe" I answer

"So my flight leaves in about 10 minutes n' it's a 2 1/2 to 3 hour flight."

"Okay, Well I think we'll head to the hospital then and we will just meet you there." I tell him

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