Chapter 44

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** Quick note: Thank you so much to all my readers who have stuck it out through this long story and through  a lot of writer's block and some personal things that have happened recently causing some severe depression and inability to continue writing, I'm slowly processing through the losses I've had recently but finally want to try to continue writing and ultimately finish this story. 

Please Vote and comment it is a huge motivation for me! Thank you!!! **

March 2020

We've been home for about 3 days with Ronnie, it was crazy that we have a new baby again. It almost brought back those days when we did this the first time with Ava it was this surreal feeling.

Paul was lecturing us about Marshall getting back on tour to finish the dates he had to cancel, due to me going into labor but Marshall looked like he was in no rush to leave which I was sort of relieved to find out. It's been amazing having us be parents again and know that we have to cherish every second of it because this is our last time raising any more kids. 

"He is seriously the most handsome little guy ever," Marshall admitted as he walked into the room. 

"I think so too, but then again he did get his handsome genes from his dad so..." I smiled as I gently rubbed Ronnie's back as he was sleeping on my shoulder. 

"So Paul's been asking me when I'm thinking about heading back-" Marshall started when all of a sudden we hear the front door open and Ava comes rushing through it. 

"What is going on?" Ava asked, we sat and looked at her confused as to what she was referring too.

"What is this Coronavirus?"  She asked with a worried look on her face. 

" Well babe it this infection that's going through China and some other countries right now." I informed her,

"What if dad gets it?" She did make a valid point because he would be doing tours and have thousands of people at his shows. 

"I don't really know babe, I mean all I can tell you is that Paul and I have to talk about it, and talk to some of the labels that want me to go on tour and work something out." Marshall informed her. 

"I heard that it's already infecting people in the US." Ava said anxiously.

"Babe it's okay. We just have to wash our hands more often and just be more cautious." I told her, but in the back of my mind I was nervous. 

A few hours later we finished eating dinner and sat down to watch the news, they were talking about how the Michigan sports teams were doing and then we started hearing about this thing called covid-19.

We sat and watch and saw the stats and the number of people who were infected in the United states and how many deaths there had been, then they showed a map of Michigan and their stats and death toll. 

"Governor Gretchen Whitmer is calling for a stay-at-home order to be put in effect if covid cases continue to rise, other states have been put on similar restrictions." Marshall and I looked at eachother, we knew that this was something serious. 

"They're going to shut down the whole country aren't they?" I asked 

"I don't know babe, I don't know what I'm suppose to do with everything." Marshall said, he got up and scrolled through his phone and called Paul.  We all sat anxiously waiting to hear what was going to happen.

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