Chapter 25

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4 months later

Ava is a year old Marshall of course had to be at his daughter's first birthday, She was growing up so fast we've been trying to teach her to say mama and dada. Marshall, Dre, his wife Nicole, My friend Heidi, Proof and his wife and kids, Keenan, and D12 showed up to be there.

*Marshall's Point of View*

"Em Man I can't believe your little girl is one already!" Proof smiled looking over at Ava who I put in her high chair. 

"Yeah I know it's crazy she's growing up so much." I smiled.  She was growing up way too fast, I can't believe how time flies, soon she's going to be talking and walking around I thought.  

"I remember when you told us she was pregnant Dawg now look you got this beautiful little family goin." Kuniva added

"Yeah man it didn't even seem like that long ago." Bizarre added in, me and all of my friends were gathered over in the kitchen talking while Heidi, Nicole,  Sharonda (Proof's wife) and Chelsey were sitting over at the table. I'm glad Chelsey has people here to at least keep her company when I'm gone and to help with Ava if she needs it. 

*Chelsey's Point of View* 

"She's so beautiful, she's growing up too fast." Heidi awed over Ava who was eating some grapes I put on her highchair 

"She's going to look just like her daddy you know." Nicole adds

"She's getting so big!" Sharonda says

"I know she's not going to look anything like me when she gets older, I can already tell her hair is starting to get lighter. She's going to be a handful let me tell you what." I smiled looking at the girls then back at Ava.   

"Ok should we open presents then we can all eat?" I stand up, Marshall gets Ava from the highchair and places her on the floor in front of me, Marshall sits behind us watching. I hand Ava the first present and I help her open it,  

"Awe baby girl look at that." I say in my surprised voice to Ava, it was a light up toy that made noises which she loved. We open more presents and she got a lot of really cute stuff, she got some really cute clothes and a bunch of new toys. Marshall and I shared a few kisses because we were just so happy and proud parents of our little one year old.  

"Ava, where's dada?"  I ask her as I sit her in my lap, she looks around and finds Marshall and smiles at him, Marshall smiles and grabs her off my lap.

"Yeah you know your daddy don't cha baby girl." Marshall smiled setting her on his lap as I stand up, he gives her a kiss on her cheek.  We usher everyone up to the table and start serving food we watch Ava tear into her birthday cake we had specially made for her it's called a 'smash cake'  she had it all over her face and in her hair all over her hands. I just smiled and placed a hand over my face, 

"Awe Chelsey whats wrong?" Heidi pointed out that I was crying.

"Nothing, it's just she's growing up so fast, I'm just so happy." I cried Marshall walked up behind me and hugs me from behind. 

"Awe baby don't cry." He said kissing my cheek. 

"I know I'm sorry I'm such a emotional mom." I smiled wiping my tears. 

"We did a good job with her baby, I love you so much." Marshall whispered in my ear. 

"Yeah we did babe, I love you with all my heart Marshall." I turned around and kissed him.  

We had a cute little party for her before Marshall had to leave, it sucked the fact he had to leave the next morning but I'm just glad he got to be there for her today.    Ava cried when he was getting ready to go, I guess she had some sixth sense that he was leaving.

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