Chapter 13

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I know you want to read more of the story but just a really quick author's note, Thank you to everyone reading this story this has been a idea I've had for a while now, it makes me smile every time I log on and see someone has added it to their reading list or someone voted on parts of the story. I'm excited to introduce the new addition to the Mathers family!

☆☆Keep reading, voting and comment tell me what you guys think so far it gives me the motivation to keep writing!!


It's been a month since the incident, Marshall and I moved into our new house his friends helped us move due to the fact I have to walk around on crutches, I can't bend over much.

Lily is back to staying with us and things are starting to settle down a bit. I'm 32 weeks pregnant and so far things since I left the hospital have been okay, I still worry about him or her.

Marshall took time from going to the studio to look after me which was crazy because the studio was almost kiddy corner from our new house but he insisted to stay home, he wrote alot of music since we've been home though, Proof comes over almost every day to help Marshall with his music and to come check in on me which is nice.

I loved Proof he's such an amazing friend to Marshall and is so good with Lily, he's always there if I need to talk to him he's for sure one of my best friends and a brother to Marshall.  

•Marshall's Point of View•

The night that I stayed with her in the hospital I didn't exactly stay there all night with her, I had to do what he did not only to her but to our baby. I want to tell her what I did but I don't know how would she think of me? I just hope this whole situation is done and over with because the dude had it coming.

Over the next few days I stayed with Chelsey and wrote some new material, I got up and tried to get some milk from the fridge when I realized we were out.

"Babe, I need to go to the store ok do you want anything while I'm there?" I asked her she was on the couch with Lily elevating her broken leg.

"I wanna go." She said excitedly she was probably excited to get out of the house she's been stuck in for the last month.

"Ok but when we get back your resting." I smiled walking over to her.

"yeah, yeah, yeah" she rolled her beautiful eyes at my comment I went to get Lily ready to go, Chelsey went into the bedroom and threw on a sweatshirt and flip flops and we headed to the store of course I had to be the one to drive because the leg that was broken just so happened to be her right one.

Later we were at the grocery store and Chelsey being Chelsey she insisted on walking around with her crutches, we were just about to pay for our stuff when four police officers came up to us.

"Marshall Mathers?" one asked. What the fuck is going on? Lily came up and hid behind Chelsey, the sight of the cops must have scared her.

"yeah?" I said

"Your under arrest, please put your hands behind your back." another officer came up. I knew I was going to jail regardless so what's the point in fighting it. The other officers surrounded me and I looked up at Chelsey and Lily, Chelsey was in shock and Lily buried her face into Chelsey's hip I knew she was about to cry and I didn't want Chelsey or my baby sister to see me like this.

"What? Why is he being arrested?!" Chelsey yelled at the cop. I slowly walked away from Chelsey and two of the officers followed.

"I will go with you with no bullshit no resisting but please, please don't handcuff me in front of them, I will do anything you ask but please don't do this in front of them." The officers got closer to me as I walked back over to Chelsey and Lily.

"Baby, I'm so sorry I really am, it's all going to be okay, I love you and our baby so much I'm so sorry you had to see this." I explained I wrap my arms around her and hug her, I kiss her before I kneel down in front of Lily,

"Its okay baby girl, they're just going to go talk to me and I'll be home soon okay." I tried not to scare her even more she nodded.

"Ok, you stay with Chelsey and be good until I get back ok." I told her she nodded again, I stand up and look at Chelsey and mouth 'I'm so sorry baby' again. I start walking out of the store with the cops holding my hands behind me. I knew what I did was wrong but I had to make sure he wasn't going to hurt my family again.

The police handcuffed me and put me in the back of one of their cars, I was booked into a cell and finally it was time to make a phone call I called Chelsey, I explained everything to her and apologized. I was charged with Assault with a deadly weapon.

I sat and thought about it, why am I in here and that guy isn't I thought about it all night until one of the officers came to the cell and told me that I was being released on bail.

I walk out to the entrance of the jail and see Chelsey, Lily, Proof and Keenan. Lily ran up to me and gave me a huge hug Chelsey wasn't too far behind I hugged them both and walked up to Keenan.

"Thanks man." I started

" Don't be, I get the money back as long as you show up for your court date. Plus Chelsey told me about what happened ." Keenan said

"Still, I can't tell you now much it means to me." I told him as I wrap my arm around Chelsey's shoulders.

"Your good man, just do me a favor? Don't do that kinda dumb shit anymore and look out for your girls." Keenan said as we started walking out.

●Three weeks later

Today was my court date, I'm really nervous about it but all I can do is hope for the best. I got dressed and we took Lily to the our neighbors house she liked playing with the kids next door to us and their grandma is very good with her I came back and helped Chelsey into her pants she was trying to get on with her cast still on.

(quick note: always thought Eminem would help me take my pants off not put them on 😉 haha just saying.... anyway)

We got ready and left for court, we sat down and waited for my case to come up. I held Chelsey's hand the whole time and never wanted to let it go She was only a few weeks away from delivery and I knew all this stress wasn't good on her or our unborn child, I would fall apart if I missed our baby being brought into this world.

Case after case after case went by and finally about 2 hours later my name was called I took a deep breathe and leaned over and kissed Chelsey on the cheek before standing up I walked in front of the courtroom, it was the moment of judgment.

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